Monday, May 12, 2008

wooo...A POO of HEAT~* wootanella!

Hello! hahas after ard 2 mths of neglectin my blog i'm BACK!!!hahas.many stuff happened but i'm goining to update on the recent things first.the MOSt recent.hehhehs.

well to my two BFFs cum SPAM-ers, thank you for wastin ur tym spamin my is greatly appreciated.hahas.althou i wld really wan to state tt u SUCK big time too. hahas.anyways.i am the cleanest one!!!for those who read the SPAMS.hahas.well, i bathe once i reach home unlike the other 2 suckers.yupps.have you ppl heard of the story of the boy who farted and asked e person nxt to him if he jus that he cld get away with being THE ONE WHO FARTED.anyway sandra is A great example.thankyou.btw 12 more days to TFF's hatch day.

TA TA.i m suddenly so into NUTCRACKER.althou it doesnt realli make sense.hahas.

HAPPY is the first approach to doing anything!yippeedoodaa...

to those depressed ones out dere...STAY e mt mock passage states.dere is always a solution to everything! :D rmb my face n u wil jus b so happy.


RACHELKOK!!!! ppl, watch monty python. it jus makes your day! winks~*