Saturday, July 31, 2010


it has been like reeeaaaaallyy long since i touched my blog.
haha. so here i am :)
anyway. one of the main purpose i am writing now is cos...
i told my jc friends my blog! hahas! like after 1.5 years..
hahas. i know i know. it's pathetic.hahas.

rachel finally feels much more happier now:)
for the past 1.5 years in my effin school,
it was pure terror. depressing. whatever.
but i am happier now.
i finally feel like much more close.
i finally got those chummy feeling.
at least now i really feel like i'm part of something.
okay.. not only are my comprehension skills lousy,
my expressing is also like shite.

talking about shit...
hahas. i've been newly appointed ASS/ANUS face.
just becasuse i shared some faeces statistics with my friends..

anyway. i'm glad that i'm finally  back on track :)

happy happy rachel yet again! :DD

hope to get more motivated to study with this STAR :) i laminated with the help psm's bro too :) OH! n thanks for the lovely dinner ytd night too! bak kut teh n eggs n spicy hei bi long beans:) wootsie!
 gerene working hard! >:P
vicky working hard too :D
haha.. but jojo love falling asleeep.. Zzz..
psm allowed me to draw her old shoes:) hope she can get new shoes sooon :)
muggin hard at nee soon cc :D
psm acting cute for a cam shot.. eew. hahas!
did an experiment with patrick.
results: patrick can actually fly pretty far considering what a fat starfish he is.
he sure got some stuff! ;D

SPORTS DAY on wednesday:) cancelled all chem tests! woohoo!!!! was so high n happy after we heard the wonderfoooo news!!! headed straight to the canteen for ice cream. was broke that day so joan donated 20 cents to me and jojo kinda treated me to a strawberry popsicle :) although the strawberry popsicle looked like a tongue that got infected. haha!but i still finished it up. we were too tired to study after that.. but we still perservered and did a chem p1 :)


cant wait for their album to be out on 21st september!!

i am SSOOO getting in.. Along with KATY PERRY's teenage dream..
come to think of it. both album's cover shows a naked woman! OMG!
hahas ;)