Monday, February 28, 2011


I really really really REALLY Really reallY rEally ReAlLy rEaLlY really really reeeaaaaalllllllyyy realllly reallllllllyyyyy REALLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY really really realllllyyy really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY hope that i can get into a decent course in NUS. Hope the gods above can see the effort i put in over here( the many 'really's)yupps. really do wanna move on and pursue a degree. please pleeeease.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Life is unfair isn't it?

Why is it that some people just have better luck than you do?
Why do people have the right to show their temper, their feeling when other can't?
Why some people can just say what they want to say so easily and freely while others
have to keep it deep inside them and let it cut their wounds ever so deeply?
Will the wound ever heal?
Will the struggle ever end?
Will my tears ever stop?

When will I ever get the courage to stand up?
I did try, but i just ended falling back down.
Crushed even further, even more tormenting.
I should stand up again and never give up, is it?
is it right?
cos it feels as if I've been trained from young to just absorb and accept all of your says and beliefs.

When can I learn to grow up and be independent?
Away from all these noise.