Friday, March 30, 2012

Thanks loves~<3

I do feel like I'm some spoilt brat when it comes to receiving my birthday pressies:)

Somehow I am pretty glad I didn't receive amy dramas fr my bday. Phew~

Thanks to my JC pals for the awesome night filled with laughters;D and the bucks cakey n awesome presents;) I esp loved the necklace;E

Sunday, March 25, 2012


FIRSTLY, my new love. Seriously, LOVE.

Secondly! Thanks lovely PORKS for the awesome gifts that are from my wishlist! They practically jumped out from the page. Was a really shocking SURPRISE. With a new couple plus the dog giving me a shock expression. Chincha shocked.

Loving my new Sophie Kinsella BOOKS & Taylor Swift album. LOVE EUUSS MUCH!