Saturday, February 16, 2008

hello!gave val her valentines gift n i got hers.hahas.thx was KAWAII!!! squishy back my geog test.i surprisingly got A1!!!woots.thx grassies for ur moral support.nanny flowers heart is TOTAL DEFENCE DAY!hahas.alsagoff came to have a speech.well.miss her la.but it was vry boring.hahas.we got a cut off of electricity for experience how it was lyk last tym.stuoid.lyk dere wil b any diff.u wok ard e parade sq w/o fan n electric lights too wat.infact everyone experience it wat.den we discussed about poor melody.sigh.hope she gets well sooooooooon.althou i dunno her n neva tok to her b4.-.- find lawrence tan to drop bio.but he jus DIN ALLOW.claimin e sch wont allow mi to drop.i wil find ah kom tml.if cannot.den i wil tok to ah low le.zsd.Peacies pon guides today.okay.its a bad thing to do.but i felt...relieved.dunno.felt vry relax n qing song on a fri w/o guides.the feeling was GGGRREEAATTT.sry yizhen.sry sihui.i noe its realli wrong.but tis is e 1st tym i pon-ing guides tis yr.

went j8 to get my mantou keychain tt can chnge clothes frm manda!!!hahas.we went sweet talk to grab a bubble tea.den we had YAMI yogurt n old chang kee's currypok.hahas.den wemt comic connection to buy e keychains while nana n san go popular to get wateva tey wanted to get.den i got manda a syaoran keychain in return.hahas.den ltr e cashier guy say if spent 10 bucks n above can get tis nice paper bag 4 free.den i got xm a valentines day keychain.den we got the bag.den after tt i put all 3 of our heavy txtbks into e FITTED perfectly.but e cheapo nana bag didnt manage to stand e heavy weight n e handle dropped iu nian lo.its lyk we were at e store entrance sum embarressing.ahhh~hahas.den it was dere where i had my love at first sight.A SOFTTOY BOLSTER!!!hahas.well i saw e big ones 1st.den ltr manda came n we were dere tokin n decidin n hesitating n thinking of smth tt make tis day special so tt we can get e soft toy.n u noe.kinda use it as an e end we decided that.its e 1st tym we pon guides tis yr. den decided to buy e small 1.for san.cos e caterpiller look n remind us of SANDRA DAR! hahas.den we got tt toy for 12.90.den we got a free bag.den ltr we decided to buy 4 each other.all 3 of us.mine was a lion n manda's e frog.e elephant reminded us of sihui.cos e trunk looked lyk an erect penis.n sihui's so bian tai n everything.always hittin our butts n was sayin ppay seperately.incase e bag onli can get 1 for 1 single e cashier guy so farnie lo.still recommended us sum new toys.hahas.quite cute la.but still prefer e farnie.he was hlpful enuff to stapler e handle to e bag agn wen we told him e handle dropped.hahas.cos i was broke tt day.we asked if lina got 13 bucks to spare cos manda onli got enuff to pay for 2 bolsters.den we decided tt manda buy 4 san.san buy 4 mi.n i buy 4 manda.wich will still b 12.90 each.hahas.manda was sayin so many paperbags make her look farnie.den nvm.den we decided to giv each of us a bag,includin lina, to use it for guides to put our uniform.hahas.i offered to hlp lina mend the bag that i destroyed.but our hands were so bz n everything tt i forgot in e end.cos we took pix of e bags on e bus.n den took a stop to take e pix.den we caught sight of gg activities at sch bus stop n pause dere n was glad we din go.den ltr i cant find my wallet.den found it den holdin bbt.aiya.vry e end i din take e bag n my bbt was left at manda's hand.hahas.n e bez part was sandra prefer e 1st pattern.ok.dere were 2 patterns.den mi nana n manda lyk 1 pattern but san lyk e other.ya.but she dun wanna stupid.okays.sry nanas 4 not gettin u a soft toy.

my korean mantou.

zoom in version of us.mi san manda.mine suit mi cos san say its SUNSHINE.san's jus suit her.jus a look at it n me n manda said:"Sandra."manda wanted e frog cos its green n pretty n chck out its pink n healthy cheeks.

zoom out version.see who we took e pix with.BANANAS IN PJs!!!hahas :D

my valentines gift frm valerie <3
chnge fone today!!!nokia 6500 slide.meddling with it e whole day.
went to popo's hse to "LOU HEI"in e evening.hahas.den was tokin wif coussies.hahas.had a fun tym tokin.n zihui loved my mantou a few new songs.even 2 canto serial songs.farnie lo.zihui din even tod us she got e songs until ytd.kns.hahas.den went home n got witch yoohee songs frm zh FINALLY!!!hahas.well sent her e cute pix.
slept with SUNSHINE :) hearts.
p.s iloveyou

Friday, February 15, 2008


happy birthday peacies n valentines.rachel love you.


rachel kok wishes everybody a happy birthday.hahas
its ren ri today.and we had fun fun tchouk ball and celebrated manda n lina's birthday as shitty club at the tom yam kopitiam.hahas.everybody was broke lyk.i dunno mus eat gd n budget.den went to get valentines gifts for our peacies.I aPOLOGISE for not gettin gifts for the two love peeps.male peacies.two joy girls.n whoever hu got mi pressies.sry wors.but i realli love you deep in my heart de wors.hahas.anyway.dere was alot of teens at j8 gettin valentines gifts for their loved ones.i love twopeacezerosix.and for the 3rd time consecutively lo.hahas.heart tem.den went home to prepare valentines gift.we were all broke on tis day.

went to grans plc for ren ri.hahas.den went home.

14 FEB 2008 THURS

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDA!!! and HAPPY VALENTINES ALL MY DARLINGS!all our lockers were pasted with red hearts with encouragin look n we know it was blessing n co.hahas.thnks alot darling! :) it my day with love!haahas.thx everybody for the unlimited choc supply n gifts.manda had a wonderful many presents!!!hahas.den had bio prac but wasnt tt high.had math remedia.witch delayed mainly due to lawrence tan.sick.zsd.delay til 4 plus lo.piang.den we went ***.n i got pressies.its lyk got x'mas feel lo.everytym we c smth den we say "eh get 4 u la"got many notebks frm kino.a red belt.val a valentines gift.and a valentines gift for y darling parents.that was MY valentines.



i had e best view.i saw everyone.

o.and people!i want my p.s. i love you.and mayb sky of love.and gone baby gone.and.jumper. and persepolis. <33s

p.s iloveyou