Saturday, February 16, 2008

hello!gave val her valentines gift n i got hers.hahas.thx was KAWAII!!! squishy back my geog test.i surprisingly got A1!!!woots.thx grassies for ur moral support.nanny flowers heart is TOTAL DEFENCE DAY!hahas.alsagoff came to have a speech.well.miss her la.but it was vry boring.hahas.we got a cut off of electricity for experience how it was lyk last tym.stuoid.lyk dere wil b any diff.u wok ard e parade sq w/o fan n electric lights too wat.infact everyone experience it wat.den we discussed about poor melody.sigh.hope she gets well sooooooooon.althou i dunno her n neva tok to her b4.-.- find lawrence tan to drop bio.but he jus DIN ALLOW.claimin e sch wont allow mi to drop.i wil find ah kom tml.if cannot.den i wil tok to ah low le.zsd.Peacies pon guides today.okay.its a bad thing to do.but i felt...relieved.dunno.felt vry relax n qing song on a fri w/o guides.the feeling was GGGRREEAATTT.sry yizhen.sry sihui.i noe its realli wrong.but tis is e 1st tym i pon-ing guides tis yr.

went j8 to get my mantou keychain tt can chnge clothes frm manda!!!hahas.we went sweet talk to grab a bubble tea.den we had YAMI yogurt n old chang kee's currypok.hahas.den wemt comic connection to buy e keychains while nana n san go popular to get wateva tey wanted to get.den i got manda a syaoran keychain in return.hahas.den ltr e cashier guy say if spent 10 bucks n above can get tis nice paper bag 4 free.den i got xm a valentines day keychain.den we got the bag.den after tt i put all 3 of our heavy txtbks into e FITTED perfectly.but e cheapo nana bag didnt manage to stand e heavy weight n e handle dropped iu nian lo.its lyk we were at e store entrance sum embarressing.ahhh~hahas.den it was dere where i had my love at first sight.A SOFTTOY BOLSTER!!!hahas.well i saw e big ones 1st.den ltr manda came n we were dere tokin n decidin n hesitating n thinking of smth tt make tis day special so tt we can get e soft toy.n u noe.kinda use it as an e end we decided that.its e 1st tym we pon guides tis yr. den decided to buy e small 1.for san.cos e caterpiller look n remind us of SANDRA DAR! hahas.den we got tt toy for 12.90.den we got a free bag.den ltr we decided to buy 4 each other.all 3 of us.mine was a lion n manda's e frog.e elephant reminded us of sihui.cos e trunk looked lyk an erect penis.n sihui's so bian tai n everything.always hittin our butts n was sayin ppay seperately.incase e bag onli can get 1 for 1 single e cashier guy so farnie lo.still recommended us sum new toys.hahas.quite cute la.but still prefer e farnie.he was hlpful enuff to stapler e handle to e bag agn wen we told him e handle dropped.hahas.cos i was broke tt day.we asked if lina got 13 bucks to spare cos manda onli got enuff to pay for 2 bolsters.den we decided tt manda buy 4 san.san buy 4 mi.n i buy 4 manda.wich will still b 12.90 each.hahas.manda was sayin so many paperbags make her look farnie.den nvm.den we decided to giv each of us a bag,includin lina, to use it for guides to put our uniform.hahas.i offered to hlp lina mend the bag that i destroyed.but our hands were so bz n everything tt i forgot in e end.cos we took pix of e bags on e bus.n den took a stop to take e pix.den we caught sight of gg activities at sch bus stop n pause dere n was glad we din go.den ltr i cant find my wallet.den found it den holdin bbt.aiya.vry e end i din take e bag n my bbt was left at manda's hand.hahas.n e bez part was sandra prefer e 1st pattern.ok.dere were 2 patterns.den mi nana n manda lyk 1 pattern but san lyk e other.ya.but she dun wanna stupid.okays.sry nanas 4 not gettin u a soft toy.

my korean mantou.

zoom in version of us.mi san manda.mine suit mi cos san say its SUNSHINE.san's jus suit her.jus a look at it n me n manda said:"Sandra."manda wanted e frog cos its green n pretty n chck out its pink n healthy cheeks.

zoom out version.see who we took e pix with.BANANAS IN PJs!!!hahas :D

my valentines gift frm valerie <3
chnge fone today!!!nokia 6500 slide.meddling with it e whole day.
went to popo's hse to "LOU HEI"in e evening.hahas.den was tokin wif coussies.hahas.had a fun tym tokin.n zihui loved my mantou a few new songs.even 2 canto serial songs.farnie lo.zihui din even tod us she got e songs until ytd.kns.hahas.den went home n got witch yoohee songs frm zh FINALLY!!!hahas.well sent her e cute pix.
slept with SUNSHINE :) hearts.
p.s iloveyou

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