Thursday, December 3, 2009

Firstly, a few random pix for all to enjoy ;)
hahas. this is how i will look like when i get beaten up :)
its retarded ;D

super long since we met up;) finally met up last thurs which is also my last day of school ;DD yahoo! den headed to town with fish n nana to ion ;)) n look n see stuff. and rant on our sad lives in our own stupid schools :'( tym just FLEW pass. and 6 hours of fun soon came to an end :( we didnt manage to take fotos wif the xmas decos :( but it was really nice to see them n be crazy again ;) trying to plan on a christmas party or something where we can all GO CRAZY!!! cant wait!

some pictures taken when we were eating our choc/ greentea snowice

acting stupid in muji xP
we were ALL invited to "noren's place"
with empty cookie jars ;'D

surprisingly we managed to take quite a few retarded fotos of lina that i couldnt wait to share with all :)

in conclusion, it was really an enjoyable time ;)

anw, finished YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL alr! WHOO!
JANG GEUN SUK is reaally cute de lo! hahas. i heart his pout!
lee hong ki tooo!!!!!
ahhhh ~ <3

this part is HEE-LARE-RIOUS!
bcos he is actually a celeb den he thot that when he is in the country side so he can do any stupid thing.
hahas. here he is in a field pluggin in to classical music and relaxingly doing those stupid actions.
totally unaware of his surroundings. den got this old farmer guy waving to him who was actually warning him that a pig is on the loose and was running in his direction. and he thot e farmer was waving to his music. hahas. den.. ltr he realised...hahahahs ;D

OHH! and attn to all, i will be away from 10 -20 of dec so please dun contact me unless its really urgent lyk u got a new bf or smth. hahas. anw u sms me oso u hahas;) i'll try to post ;) althou lyk bren this kind i cant la. dun even noe her add now :/ hahas. ok. cya, loves ;)

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