Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sometimes it's not I don't wanna be high etc
It's just so difficult to achieve that when I'm with you.
No matter what people do to try, you will still find fault in it.
When will you learn to trust the people around you?
Even if we really care.
Why can't you learn to accept certain minor things.
Aren't we supposed to?
Cos.. Not everyone is perfect.

It's tiring.
When will it ever stop?
When will you stop thinking too much?
Will this ever end?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!! - I'm still a kid

We were having out last PE lesson today
& yet most of the 208 girls,
didn't seem to cherish the little time we've got left..
Most of them chose to be caught up in their own lil worlds
& refusing to give in and make this lesson a memorable one.

I was pretty tired of their ability to be able to
get soo stuck to the benches and spewing lame excuses.
So I went on having fun without them.
Played my heart out with Zhiqian, Yi Lin, Joan, Vivien and
the unspeakable M.
It is the least bit I could do
to ensure that this session won't get wasted
and that there will still be some lovely takeaways.
I totally understand how Joan felt whenever she asked/ hoped for the rest to join
& to be thoughtful enough to ask for everyone's opinions for what they wanted to play
And most of the time I didn't help much and just followed the crowd.
PE has always been enjoyable to me provided..
#1 we weren't doing fitness
#2 I was already close with my mates
with these 2 points fulfilled, I would say
I will definitely be HIGH.
Unfortunately, somehow or either,
it seems difficult for everyone to leave the courts happily everytime
we rarely end the session without having any undesirable after effects
maybe this is the reason why I don't really look forward to PE
(if you ever see this, Joan, your question is answered)
it's like having high hopes and the balloon of all your hopes n happy thoughts..
Just go "Pop!" every single time.
There's no point to even hope anymore.
What's the point of gearing myself up with anticipation?
Well, I don't see the point.
I dont want to experience the same dissappointment over & over again every week.

But there's not much of a point brooding over this anymore.
No more the need to worry about such matters anymore.
There goes our last PE session together.
Nevertheless, I had my share of FUNFUNFUN!
I didn't lose out on any:)

After physics lecture, me,tree and Vivien played truth or dare,
using my phone application.
It wa surprisingly pretty amusing!
We continues with the game for the next 2 hours
with the addition of 2 other players Joan n Jojo!
The rest of the 208 clan was left to mug!!muggers! turned out really fun and memorable
& led me wondering
"Why didn't we did this at the earlier part of the year?"
it really could have deepen our understanding of each other so much more's not like I own a time machine or something.
It's already the end of the 2nd last week for us in this damn school!
But I'm still really glad that we still went on with the game
even though the fun kinda wore out for me after an hour or so.
But it was indeed entertaining an fruitful! Haha.
Those stupid dares:)

Theresa's mood today was pretty good too!
Even though she realised that her *ahem came
we had many fun moments together today:)

if we ever play truth or dare
we gotta be daring and stay truthful!
Or else it will really defeat the whole purpose of the game!!
And there won't be any fun in it

however, on the other hand,
( I feel like I'm doing evaluation!! Oh god)
this game may really bond ppl
and also create unwanted discrepancies
to those who take stuff too seriously

but there won't be any problem if it's a game with
sandy,mandy,nana,nono n xm love<3
that,I 'm very sure of;)

I can't believe I'm like doing some essay evaluation thingy.

I will never forget the
Cement floor crawling(with just ur hands to help)
Her FIRST Kiss!
"Do you want fries with it?"
the lovely toilet paper tail
"Whistle if you think I'm cute"
bark when you hear lid noises
& hand puppet talking main goal in life is basically...
To be happy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

hey all!!

just came over to my place to surprise me!!!
HAHA! was TRULY surprised and touched
never happened to me before!!
was at a loss of words!!!
loved it ttm!

SO HAPPY!!! hahas
too bad didnt take foto D:
iwanted to take using my fujifilm de :(
ARGH!!! hate myself!

but now they are gone....zsd. nvm... we will.. soon :D



to think that i had a rather sian day before they came!
my day suddenly jus BRIGHTENED ALL UP!!!
somehow you guys can jus make me happy so simply


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

there's just this amicable bond shared among my clique
we can just
say anything
touch on any topics
and some how or other they would have
done the same things
listen to the same music
love the same songs,
the same artistes
watched the same movies,
hear the same stories,
watch the same tv shows/ anime,
well, in short, you can say..
have common topics.

But the best part is that
when we talk about it..
we have that same enthusiasm,
the same passion, fire,
the same feelings
for that subject alone.
Even though we haven't be talking for ages.

Such stuff just creates a warm fuzzy feeling, eh?
i am happy to have friends LIKE YOU!!! <3
I admitted that i was a bad storyteller yesterday..
And Noren totally agreed!!
And said how i would always bid around the bush :X
HAHA! I just LOVE her honesty!!
i heart honest friends!
so, FRIENDS (only)

gotta sharpen my expressing skills ;D

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010


it has been like reeeaaaaallyy long since i touched my blog.
haha. so here i am :)
anyway. one of the main purpose i am writing now is cos...
i told my jc friends my blog! hahas! like after 1.5 years..
hahas. i know i know. it's pathetic.hahas.

rachel finally feels much more happier now:)
for the past 1.5 years in my effin school,
it was pure terror. depressing. whatever.
but i am happier now.
i finally feel like much more close.
i finally got those chummy feeling.
at least now i really feel like i'm part of something.
okay.. not only are my comprehension skills lousy,
my expressing is also like shite.

talking about shit...
hahas. i've been newly appointed ASS/ANUS face.
just becasuse i shared some faeces statistics with my friends..

anyway. i'm glad that i'm finally  back on track :)

happy happy rachel yet again! :DD

hope to get more motivated to study with this STAR :) i laminated with the help psm's bro too :) OH! n thanks for the lovely dinner ytd night too! bak kut teh n eggs n spicy hei bi long beans:) wootsie!
 gerene working hard! >:P
vicky working hard too :D
haha.. but jojo love falling asleeep.. Zzz..
psm allowed me to draw her old shoes:) hope she can get new shoes sooon :)
muggin hard at nee soon cc :D
psm acting cute for a cam shot.. eew. hahas!
did an experiment with patrick.
results: patrick can actually fly pretty far considering what a fat starfish he is.
he sure got some stuff! ;D

SPORTS DAY on wednesday:) cancelled all chem tests! woohoo!!!! was so high n happy after we heard the wonderfoooo news!!! headed straight to the canteen for ice cream. was broke that day so joan donated 20 cents to me and jojo kinda treated me to a strawberry popsicle :) although the strawberry popsicle looked like a tongue that got infected. haha!but i still finished it up. we were too tired to study after that.. but we still perservered and did a chem p1 :)


cant wait for their album to be out on 21st september!!

i am SSOOO getting in.. Along with KATY PERRY's teenage dream..
come to think of it. both album's cover shows a naked woman! OMG!
hahas ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Monday, March 15, 2010

today is considered a happpy day! hahas.

cos i finally passed my 2.4!!!
are u like happy for mee??
i felt that i should be rewarded with a gd meal
so last minute me n kxm headed down to taka
my one week long craving!
eat until damn full:)
den we walked ard vry vry briefly..
n she handed me my lovely lovely bday pressie.
now i wonder how i'm gonna find a present for her bday of the same worth.
cos i really really love her present!!!!!!

ty all! for encouragin n wishin me luck for my 2.4!

no more 2.4 EVER for rachelkok!

thankyou very much, YILIN for pacing me thru out
n cos of that got to swallow some flies with me xP
u DONT wanna know MORE!

gdluck to all n MYSELF for blk test nxt weeeek!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

hello. i hate blogger.
uploaded loads of pix esp
n poof it alllll went to waste.
rmb this pencil box?
the truth is that i never knew what does " subtlety is so last century " meant.
of cos i knew what "so last century"  meant
my econs tcher randomly asked me what does that phrase meant
n i said idk.
i felt so stupid.
y do ppl lyk to ask stupid astns tt idk. -.-
or m i really such a captal L loser?
so throw face de can..
n i've using it for lyk 4 years alr.
i AM such a loser.
cos i din even bothered to find out wat it actually meant.
    seriously man.
    n this is not the first tym such incidents happen.
    where do this qstns come frm?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3rd day of school already le wors.
today super tiring.
not cos of open hse,
but cos of PE n NETBALL TRG!!
arr! 6 hours of physical in total today!
but at least feel healthier :D yays!
not lyk NOREN who felt lyk she just pumped oil into her body!
but anw.

everything is fine...
jus that i've got 2 math tests coming up on nxt tues n nxt nxt tues
n i haven strt studying!
many hw due nxt mon n tues oso!
chiong rachel chiong!

no pix cos LAN DUO!
ee hehe!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

hellooo hellooo
i know it had been really long since i updated the blog..
lazy la.
anw. today marks the end of my hol.
tomorrow will feel more like a bloody BRAND new year.
i dun wanna get back to sch life!
hols end so fast!
n my time table is not vry gd either.
the degree of suckyness is about the same.
but now my earliest time of dismissal is 2.10! woots.
on mondays! :)
but i think i got netball on monday!
totally wasted!

& 1st chem lecture n gp lesson is on mon.
meaning tmr's the bloody test.
i havent studied yet!
4chpts of chem.

it will not b a great first day of sch like in storybks:(
but i shall face it positively and start chionging for the a lvls in 10/11 mths time.

cummon rachel, jus be a nerdy gdy 2 shoes for another year! :D