Thursday, January 14, 2010

hello. i hate blogger.
uploaded loads of pix esp
n poof it alllll went to waste.
rmb this pencil box?
the truth is that i never knew what does " subtlety is so last century " meant.
of cos i knew what "so last century"  meant
my econs tcher randomly asked me what does that phrase meant
n i said idk.
i felt so stupid.
y do ppl lyk to ask stupid astns tt idk. -.-
or m i really such a captal L loser?
so throw face de can..
n i've using it for lyk 4 years alr.
i AM such a loser.
cos i din even bothered to find out wat it actually meant.
    seriously man.
    n this is not the first tym such incidents happen.
    where do this qstns come frm?

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