Thursday, January 14, 2010

hello. i hate blogger.
uploaded loads of pix esp
n poof it alllll went to waste.
rmb this pencil box?
the truth is that i never knew what does " subtlety is so last century " meant.
of cos i knew what "so last century"  meant
my econs tcher randomly asked me what does that phrase meant
n i said idk.
i felt so stupid.
y do ppl lyk to ask stupid astns tt idk. -.-
or m i really such a captal L loser?
so throw face de can..
n i've using it for lyk 4 years alr.
i AM such a loser.
cos i din even bothered to find out wat it actually meant.
    seriously man.
    n this is not the first tym such incidents happen.
    where do this qstns come frm?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3rd day of school already le wors.
today super tiring.
not cos of open hse,
but cos of PE n NETBALL TRG!!
arr! 6 hours of physical in total today!
but at least feel healthier :D yays!
not lyk NOREN who felt lyk she just pumped oil into her body!
but anw.

everything is fine...
jus that i've got 2 math tests coming up on nxt tues n nxt nxt tues
n i haven strt studying!
many hw due nxt mon n tues oso!
chiong rachel chiong!

no pix cos LAN DUO!
ee hehe!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

hellooo hellooo
i know it had been really long since i updated the blog..
lazy la.
anw. today marks the end of my hol.
tomorrow will feel more like a bloody BRAND new year.
i dun wanna get back to sch life!
hols end so fast!
n my time table is not vry gd either.
the degree of suckyness is about the same.
but now my earliest time of dismissal is 2.10! woots.
on mondays! :)
but i think i got netball on monday!
totally wasted!

& 1st chem lecture n gp lesson is on mon.
meaning tmr's the bloody test.
i havent studied yet!
4chpts of chem.

it will not b a great first day of sch like in storybks:(
but i shall face it positively and start chionging for the a lvls in 10/11 mths time.

cummon rachel, jus be a nerdy gdy 2 shoes for another year! :D