Tuesday, March 22, 2011



nana reminded me today that..
my birthday is like COMING!

well.. i love mango/ strawberry cakeys!
i want a burberry wallet xP
i want SECRET GARDEN OST !! woots!
i want GMART stationeries!!
i want new shoes/wedges!
i want cotton on lanterns! but dunno where to hang :/
i want THICKERS!! (stickers that are thick!)
i want sleeping arrangements(bookie ;))
i want ikea photo/curtain clipppers
i want so many albums
i want so many things but i have so little money.

but for my birthday,
i don't need all of the above.
i want fun, joy and laughter.
and the great company of my LOVED friends.
The assurance that my friends really do appreciate me.
And that's enough alr:)

i'm glad people rarely comes to my blog :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I guess i really really need to get new shoes alr, nana.
my shoes are spoiled.
i just bought it like a month ago?
today is like a partially unlucky day.
i ordered ban mian and the person gave me U-mian:/

Monday, March 14, 2011

Oh mee god!!

Can’t wait for the outing this coming thurs with my beloved porky babes;D

Like super egg-cited.

And idk why.

I was about to shut my eyes and be transported to lalaland when noren love texted me that porkies are having a conference online.

So I fought to stay awake and went online thru my iphone(which explains why I keep logging out)

The rough plan is that I will work half day this thurs (esp for my dearies)

& we will then lunch at tom yam (woots) with our favourite fried egg:)

*nana: rmb to order the $4.50, larger bowl one:D

After that we will then head down to ikea on Alexander rd to shop n stuff:)

Come to think of it, never really shopped at ikea with my porkies before.

After that I’ll be bringing them to a near by eating place to chill.

Cheap and good drinks & desserts!

We’ll probably then meet up with mandy after her work to catch, drum rolls please,

No Strings Attached! Hoohoo!

JTTW. If there’s time(quite impossible)

We can shop before meeting her lorxx..

Nana: I want heels/ wedges, babe!

Porkies: When will be our heels day btw?

Yet chingu: I feel like going back to eat at Liang Court sia… hahas.

Sin of the day: bought a $19 O’neill tote bag. Tempted my ZOE laaa! Piangs.

But kinda likey sia:) Is smth I will use anw ;D
I want to do things my own pace.
I am not a machine or a robot
whereby you guys can use a remote to control.
No, i'm uncontrollable.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

no more tears, really?

Only xinmin and sandy know about this.
Which is really retarded. 

Have you ever seen/ used this shampoo?
Well if you haven't, do you notice the "no more tears"?

Well, it failed on me.
Tears were bursting out of me when i was bathing that day.
but i gotta be fair and say,
it wasn't because the shampoo got into my eyes.
it was because of some other non-related event.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

i so wanna do something to my hair and give it an edge.
New start.
New attitude.


Do you think that it is sad that you cannot really pursue your dreams?
Bcos it has not very good prospects.

Am at the crossroad of pursuing my passion, or to do something practical.

Zoe, i really lack courage and confidence.
i really dont have the courage to pursue my dream

like they said, i would really want to move on and no look back and regret.
But i don't have the courage and confidence to say that i wont regret.
Well, i've got nothing to say.
Everyone's telling me to move on
i want to.

But they are pulling me back.

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost
Another night waiting for someone to take me home
Have you ever been so lost

Is there a light
Is there a light
At the end of the road
I’m pushing everyone away
‘Cause I can’t feel this anymore
Can’t feel this anymore

DID i know the way? DO i know the way? WILL i know?

Maybe the reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

When will i know? Which is the perfect road? 
i need clearer signs :(