Tuesday, March 22, 2011

nana reminded me today that..
my birthday is like COMING!

well.. i love mango/ strawberry cakeys!
i want a burberry wallet xP
i want SECRET GARDEN OST !! woots!
i want GMART stationeries!!
i want new shoes/wedges!
i want cotton on lanterns! but dunno where to hang :/
i want THICKERS!! (stickers that are thick!)
i want sleeping arrangements(bookie ;))
i want ikea photo/curtain clipppers
i want so many albums
i want so many things but i have so little money.

but for my birthday,
i don't need all of the above.
i want fun, joy and laughter.
and the great company of my LOVED friends.
The assurance that my friends really do appreciate me.
And that's enough alr:)

i'm glad people rarely comes to my blog :)

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