Saturday, November 5, 2011

It was Friday.

Now, I'm sitting alone in the middle of Econs lecture blogging. Yep. I even wanted to pon this class.

Firstly: Having a churning tummy since yesterday night and went to the ladies thrice throughout the day. This factor caused me to feel even more reluctant to go for classes today.

Secondly: Katherine pon class again :( And hence Rachel is being a loner in the LT. She needed to go collect her SNSD concert tix. Oh bother.

Thirdly: Mr Ting is only going through tutorials. Which is honestly a waste of time for me. Cos I didn't do it(yes,slap me) and now,half an hour left and I see that he would not be touching theory at all. I SHOULD REALLY HAVE RAN HOME! The 2 persons beside me already left during the break. I'm still persevering(?) down here.

Sigh. The pathetic life of a lazy girl.

Anyway, had lunch at Everything With Fries @ Holland V with xm love;) the food was not totally awesome. But still not bad. Very filling. Couldn't finish the fries. I think the desserts are more tempting. But didn't get to try.cos main entree was alr not vry cheap so decided to forgo.

Sat throughout the whole 3 hours and thank god. He went through topic 7 theory;)

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