Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My favourite quotes.

What does it mean to be Big Bang?

"Kids that don't listen.
We take the road not taken,
and do things others are afraid of doing.
And we do it on purpose, 
so one day when we look back at ourselves,
we can be proud.
I think that's our path."

While doing all these promotions,you must have come across hardships.
Was there any such turning points in your careers?

"Because we're people who make our own songs,
Even though we don't want to, there'll still be a turning point.
It's alright now, but even our sunbaes told us that there'll be such a turning point
& we already know."

So when you are tired, what do you do?

"There's nothing you can really do.
Even if you talk to someone, it's not like a good song will come out.
So it's an inner struggle by yourself,
& it's the hardest problem for the members."

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