Wednesday, February 18, 2009


feel happy today for some reason:D maybe is because i end a tiny weeny bit earlier today.or maybe everything seems to go on pretty well for me.or also maybe i just feel that i am an inch closer to my class.this sounds pathetic but u noe,rachel's an anti-social.hahas.oh,i dunno.anyway was happy enough to blog and change myblogskin!LOL.felt like bloggin cos wann share happiness mah.realized my blog is pretty in LITERALLY colour! gonna add more colour in this post.

today supposed to go for CCA try-outs.but i simply just PON-ed it.yippees.JUMP UP AND DOWN AGN.i guess that's just another simple reason why i am like so happy.even thou was dismissed just a little earlier then usual,i felt ecstatic.seriously.jc is just so bz n much work to do plus i got loads to revise and catch up.blame it on my in-a-daze habit.oh know how boring lessons can get.always after my break i will feel so SLEEPY.cant believe it.i never feel THAT slpy in sec sch de lo.zsd.seriously,you eyelids are like so friggin heavy.goodness gracious.hahas.

anyway tomorrow is NANTHINII's first friend made in she's a INDIAN!no other meanings arh.its e first time i have a quite-close indian friend.not even in kindergarten!hahas.STUPID.oh ya.tok so much n forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAN!hahas.not like she will see this but who cares?its the bloody thot tt counts anw.NAN loves orange colour.she thot i lyk it too.cos i was carryin my orange bag.but i said no.i failed to tell her tt i LIKED orange. <:( nanthinii is a great n good girl.i have absolutely NO idea why i am saying this CRAP.

ytd was pretty hectic for me.cos need to rush econs individual researh work n more brain power to brainstorm le lo.and partly cos com was like laggin like SIAO!u noe,its like its senile or the end did GP durin today's break.weehees.1hr break.1st time 1hr break since sec1.or mayb since pri 5.oh watevers.and had canteen fd.but THE stupid me.i forgot wed was ffd(fried fd day).and i went and eat....guess wat.VEGETERIAN.seriously.gdness.

recently was kinda addicted to peach milk tea.peach milk tea arrows to manda soh hui zhen which arrows to sandra lork kai hui which arrows to the fun times we had together which arrows to peacies which arrows to kcp which brings back those...those...longing and homesick-ness.weepweeps.that nostalgic cup of milktea.SUMO rachel,SUMO.if you are wondering what the heck is that,its smth new.(SUMO= shut up and move on)have you ever wondered how lame can HOD of PE get?hahas.

anw.althou 112 is like spli-ted up into diff SGs,but thank god,we stil share 1 thing in common...the usual bench.hahas.i seems to like 112 more AND MORE!!n its gd news.cos i am opening up.hope the BINTAN trip will add petrol to our engine and let our bonds go STRONGER.but hope ,really hope that we wil all get promoted to JC2 successfully,as a class.even thou heard e rumours that it is diff to get promoted in YJ.tts why JY RACHELKOK!,JY.but of cos regarding that small handful of ppl,you know,THAT small handful.i wont SUMO them.instead i will continue to keep on the same track as them,alrite?so no worries.u will never lose me!:'D teary-eyed.

update on

man's bday.went to JJ to fetch her:)arent we just SOOO SWEET.hahas.
den went breeks for LATE lunch.not much time to catch up.but ty lina for that flower:)
so sweet of on ur bdae pressie n stuff.i will giv it to u e nxt tym we mit which is most prob my bday i guess.or mayb during march hols.hope tt can meet up to study wif man n exchange tips n oso in new full sch u:)but ithink tt will b quite impossible, looking at my timetable.which ultimately sucks.seriously.SUCK TIMETABLE SUCK!

oh.n i am literally PEELING.frm e sunburnt i got durin orientation which is 2 wks ago.end of 1st wk was e face.strtin of 2nd wk was e scalp.which made me look like i got dandruff or smth.3rd wk,which is this wk,its my arms.n i look as if i got rashes.n tis is just shite?hahas.oh wells.n gotta comment..i hv neva gotten this tan b4.but sanmanna were a lil too late too catch it.cos by sat my tan kinda faded after my face peeled.but arms were still pretty tan.i gues tey will hv chance in e no worries honeybunnys!hahas.

on sun,dadnmum were hvin KTV practice session in their rm.wich was an ultra farnie n happyfamilybonding time.WOOTANELLA!it was dad's idea.cos mum's goin kbox wif her colleagues at e end of e mth n she seriously needs practice.she managed to learn 1 song.which is like so can you train only one song.i mean KTV is to sing manymanyMANY songs.hahas.but it's really cool.hahas.n me n dad sang the canto song by jacky cheung tgt.(you know why i chose this goldish font colour for jacky cheung?cos it is an oldies song and in chinese,"jin qu"hahas.hope u get wat i mean)apparently when i was in kindergarten i kept singing that song all the time WITH my lovely wonder it just came to me so naturally!cos i learnt it like 10 yrs ago?

oh! n finished watchin moonlight resonance on was the soundtrack,love the show,love the celebs,love the everything.and becos of this,..... i didnt touched my home wk:)or anything that hlps me academically.i think i need a tutor ppl.any recommendatns?

just recieved a call frm mummy.she said that she n dad wil be late today cos tey are gettin me MY VERY OWN NOTEBOOK!!!woots!this is another reason for me to be HAPPY!even thou it means that i wont b able to eat curry yong tau foo(craving for ytd n today) is worth is also worth it to sacrifice some sleep time tonight!seriously WORTH IT.i thing jus a lil.then will continue on fri n the LOVELY,ALWAYS LOVELY..wkends.


another reason for me to be this happy -> no PE tml! but sch ends pretty late.4plus ,5?SUCKS.

this is a very super long post.hope you have the PATIENCE to read every single lil detail inside.patience is a gd moral u shld practice it:)BET sanman wont.but i learnt not to put tooo high hopes on them.esp honeybees who wake up at 2.45pm in e aftnn.anw.was so hyper tt i tok to ppl whom i normally dun tok to on msn!LOL ppl, lol.

n wish gena gd luck for her badminton today.n nan n frenz who r goin for netball today.


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