Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i just screwed up my life

HELLO :] *strained smile.

mum just broke the news ytd at 8.47pm that i am only allowed to go out once for the entire holiday.everybody rejoice with me!WOOHOO!what exactly is the point of A HOLIDAY.can sombody just bloody explain the meaning of HOLIDAY?!?wtf.she's just urging me to be rebellious."hey rachie darling,pls be a rebellious kid."wat the heck.

thanks loads to dad,he persuaded mum to let me go out ONE more time with my frens.fullstop.at first her that ONE fucking time to go out was with my coussies.just to catch a muvee plus lunch.the end:D*fake smile.aint tt F-U-N,FUN?!?

WTH!hello dere?i am friggin 17?not a 14 year old kid anymore?are you freaking trapped in a time machine or smth? i'm supposed to inform u i'm goin out not askin for ur BLOOODY permission.pls!

& i freaking know i gotta study!u dun hv to remind me every hour."studying" pops in my mind every second.i dun need a second reminder while i am reminding myself at the friggin same time.

i seriously lost my motivation to continue my studies in a freaking jc,what more MY jc.which i know i will retain.what's the point.if i retain,it makes it 3 years of studies.3 years of tremendous torture.torture meaning not being to study stuff that i like,no freakin passion in what i am studying in,dun enev see in studying in AND to go thru 3 years of physical torment.& in the end not being able to meet the criteria of getting into visual comm in the U.

however,if i just entered visual comm. right from the beginning, i wouldnt have to go thru all these shit!!!!!i hv passion, i enjoy working hard to reach my goal.at least there IS a reason fro me to work so damn freakin hard.

HAIS.wells...i dunno..

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