Wednesday, June 17, 2009


just had a peculiar dream last night!hahas.

it all started in one lecture hall where i was attending some lessons and was really anticipating what will happen after the lecture.-to meet up with my peeps! :) after the lecture headed down to the canteen n it turned out to b kcp canteen.its lyk most of the peacies were dere including the's like an un-announced meeting.everyone was having lunch, talking etc.just hanging out.den i wanted to go out with my peeps. as usual, our plans to go out are not cfm-ed kind but meet up anw.hahas.den cos after sch den it was pretty late 4 plus.there was the afternoon sun dere shining.therefore sandra as usual was too lazy to go out. so i begged noren.den she was fine.den cos i wanted to go home quickly(venue suddenly became kcp)n put down smth.cos so late so i wanted to do stuff quickly so i told noren i quickly go bk 1st while she walk slowly towards my plc.den she looked puzzled n apparently she forgot how to go dere.which was a lil dissapointing.1st disappointment was cos of sandy.2nd was this.den nvm.den we walked bk tgt n apparently my sis was abt to hv tuition.den noren jus made a casual comment tt she was supposed to hv tuition now,mayb she shld go bk home for tuition.n i felt triple disappointment rushing all over me.

ok.this is a stupid and ridiculous post.but it showed me how much i miss my peeps!even in my bloody dreams!i miss them.brenda was dere!everyone!even that stupid dino was dere!n i miss kcp!even if i try hiding the fact tt i seem to have been able to take my mind off them.they come back in my DREAMS.jesus christ.if i continue being grounded i m afraid i can only see them during the eoy hols.which is SUPAAA sad considering the fact that we spent almost everyday tgt throughout the past 3-4 years.and that is plainly sad.SAD.
tata for now.

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