Monday, October 26, 2009

hello and sorry

cos this post will not contain any pictures
this is bcos..
1stly, main purpose for me to login now is to rant
2ndly, i just simply HATE uploading images
          cos it is simply time consuming
          & lags my com.

but i seriously hope you will hear me out.
considering the fact that it has been long since i seriously posted anything
& the fact that i really need to borrow your ear, in this case ur eyes at least.
& also i believe this is the first time i am REALLY ranting IN DETAIL about my pw/ pw grp.

ok. having mt n pw intensive now.
i personally find this even better then normal lessons.
the word intensive is just to SCARE the hell out of you, just a false alarm thingy.

anw. seriously.
i consider myself as one of those who spend ALOT of effort in the pw.
but the fact that no one even REALLY bothered to help me out really pisses me off.
until i really asked for their help if they really CAN help cos i think i really have too much to do.
its like ideas are come out by me, most work and drawings are done by me.
but i wld also like to recognise the efforts my leader did put in.
althou he is SUPER DUPER blur.
&i dun really agree to MOST of his ideas.
he really did much work.
the other guy always brags about how much work he does.
when in actual fact, he didnt do much work at all.
all he did was to add on the the loads of crap he ALREADY contributed.
verbal crap.
and me, being the angelic darling,
just laugh it all off. but u know,
i am a devil deep in.
the last 2 members, ironically are the CLOSEST to me.
n they 2 are sharing only ONE pathetic part n are still complaining AND are still not really DONE with it.
2 persons do 1 part.
me, 1 person doing 3 parts n a vry vry mjor part.
see the blardy contrast?

hence, lil miss rachel kok went ot ask them nicely(with my sweet lil approachable smile)
for help. n they jus kinda ignored me.not exactly ignore but try to not ans me.
so i repeated. n THAT one who did THE LEAST,
who "hmm"-ed all thru the year,
who never give ANY comments or ideas or any BLOODY SHIT ,
jus say u cut down the words den i check thru agn.
n for ur effin info, whenever SHE check thru, nothin is being edited.bloody NOTHING.
at least the other close member of mine contributes to the printing, helps me out(REALLY HELP)

thank you for listenin, or rather reading this. :)
really appreciate it.

while i get back to my lovely pw convo *fake smile

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