Saturday, November 7, 2009

call me lazy.
wanted to upload sum pix or else it'll once again be WORDS
but hard disk in another room...
he he
anw met up with kxm for 2 days this week.
had so much to catch up n tok about.
felt so nice n super happy to see her agn
at least seeing her helped me get over super dumb irritating stuff *roll eyes*
:D she reminded me n suggested ways to help me overcome some stupid issues
some stupid disappointing effin issues
but i soon got over it :)
ty kxm love:)
we soo needed each other. hee hee

anw had tomyam n toked a whole lot with her on tues.
cos she ended sch at ard 4 n i ended ard 1 plus.
so went home 1st :D
n whoa
i didnt realize it all coming
i had so much to tok!
i we msged each other e whole day on mon!
so miss these kinda stuff mans!
n msgs were lyk SU-PA long

den we departed ard 9.
met agn on thurs to watch mj:)
its lyk finally can :)
n she didnt admire mj de lo
is cos of ME,
her impt koksq.
n i saw daddy at j8 n we ran away frm him!
hahas. so funny.
den we escaped to bbt b4 muvee :)
i felt cheated lo.
cos i jus had a few big gulps n..
POOF! my peppermint milk tea was lyk POOF!
den had sudden craving for egg tart.
but i decided to restrain myself cos i wanted to try cheesy pasta.
in e end e pasta was kinda sucky.
but watever.
i am RICH!
but my cash is alr showing signs of extinction.
oh whatever..
no energy to think of such stuff.
mj was quite cool n e dancers were WOO!
but cos muvee was considered quite long
n we gulped down quite a great deal of liquid tt aftnn..
so u noe..
our bladders were bursting 2/3 thru e muvee.
hahahas.den i accidentally banged my big black bag onto a auntie.
felt so bad.n embaressed.hahs

fma rocks!JTTW!got 2 3bucks-worth-"tikamtikam"-fma keychain

oh wed lunched out wif auntie amy :DD n sis after sch n mfm bishan:)

n had a deal with kxm on mon!
hehe.cant wait to start the proj.! :D
*ps. was mj muvee counted as one?

pon sch today cos..aiya lazy explain.
anw i got mc n ponned.
so happy.
but...e equivqlent trade thingy is makin me a lil worried.
my promos.
anw. headed down to tpy at 1
to meet tree n e rest of my yucky grp mates for filming at e sky garden
super funny! n fun
was a super quick job too :)

after tt went home, watched 2 eps n prepared to go out agn!
this tym to marina:)
cos going orchestra @ esplanade with aunt
dined n mfm marina-.-
zzz. so sick of e food sia.. twice in a weeek!

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