Friday, November 13, 2009

cant wait to go kbox wif xm tmr
i need to go and vent all my emotions.
be it happiness, tense, accumulated disappointments, etc..
i need it :D
n we need to go shop for our scrapbook BOOK.
hahas.althou i am awfully BROKE right now.
i still insist on spending for tmr.
b4 my happiness is once again lost on mon :(
oh wells.
i wanna go now!
so excited.

today was rather eventful i shld say.
i dunthink i will b goin out wif zq tree n mousey tmr
hai... lazy elaborate
n BECAUSE zq dunno me well..
haven really seen my true colours b4.
she thot me n tree were angry wif her for being fickleminded.
den we oso thot she angry with us.
but it turned out to b a stupid misunderstanding.
hahaha.. had a great laugh.
so dumb can!

den 2ndly,
i was being bullied.
i need to go tok to my sch councillor.
i was bullied my a grp.
unlike the usual pair only.
now it is considered a GRP.
cos its more than 2.
i wld like to thank TREE
for startin all these!
she jus emptied my whole bag n dispersed all my stuff at every table of the classrm!
i am so pathetic.
at least she isnt her usual self and change the sprink n inks of the pens=.=
den kj n shawn played along la!
thx loads.
n i didnt noe where my wallet n purse n ezlink went.
n they tricked me!
my 15 bucks worth purse.
actually more than tt.
but e keychain alr cost 15 bucks.
my FMA army :)
my FMA babies.
they stole them away frm me!
n e bullying went on frm after phy to malay lesson n after sch ended.

wanna shop till i drop n really buy stuff one.
n also kbox until SONG!
n laugh.
n get mad.
n what ever!

PW officially ends today!
thnk the gods n goddesses for the lovely rainy overcast weather:)

heart away!~

must take loads of pix tmr :DD

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