Sunday, November 15, 2009


finally! finally went kbox:D
with xm love :)

we met early in e morn:)
like 11.
supposed to be 10.30
but she called n said she jus woke up at 10.
but we still made it!
reached amk kbox at 11.15:D
hehe ;X
cos xm wanted ulu ulu wan n tt is e only ulu n convenient branch that i can think of
althou not really enuff tym but it was the cheapest one durin the weekends:)

so sry was rather sian that day wors :(
was super worried for my results that are comin out tmr D:
even had a nightmare that i will b retaining.
hope nightmares dun come true :(

yupps.we headed to ps after kbox screaming:)
n shopped for scrapbk stuff n foodie:)
foodie consisted of mccafe's oreocheese cake, double choc,
tako balls n carl's jr.'s beef chilli fries which tasted lyk muruku.
if u noe wats tt.
pix were kind of a failure.
cos we only can take close up ones:)
but whatever:)
after ps, we went to taka artfren:)
n manage to get OUR bkie :DD
we spotted alot of nice but uber ex bkies.

heart break we got our 28.80 bucks bkie :)
den xm HAD to leave me for home:(
while, I, continued to go hunting for my file:)

well, used to lonely shoppin alr.
all thx to my vry “busy friends”.

went over to muji at paragon
still no sign of my file-y :(
so headed down wheelock to chck out some scrapbkie stuff:)
n woohoo!
got sum ex stuff..
but sharin wif xm... so..
heh heh...
cos i havent tell her yet <:)
yepps den walked bk to ion
n walked awhile n..
home sweet home:D
saw alot of peeps today
saw 2yj n farah at amk.
1 yj is my pw leader.
but i know he surely wont spot me due to his blur-ity.
so i jus 大摇大摆 de walk in front of him.
he he.
den e other one idk him jus noe is yj de.
den FARAH darling spotted us :)
she was wif KS.

den saw sum kcp sr. n jr. at ps n orchard.
I assume o lvls is over :)
gd fer them.ahh..
1 yr passed so fast.
I really dun wanna repeat such a yr.
hais... :(
recieved a msg frm my netball cptn sayin tt there will b netball tmr after sch.

THAT totally ruined my mood.

n border's selling twilight n new moon paperbk at 12 bucks nia.
so tempted.
stil considerin...
oh. n not to mention my one day crash course on korean stuff..
2pm n you're beautiful.
god!xm just couldnt stop yakking!

ok..tts abt it..
wish me gd luck folks:)
startin on you're beautiful alr!
xm must be thrilled ;D

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