Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some time ago,
Zoe Love introduced Crayola's wonderful Rainbow Twistables to me.
I was pretty amused by it.
I was never really that impressed with Crayola products.

However, according to Zoe,
these Rainbow Wonders are like "extinct".
She tried to head back to buy some more for her friends who adored them too.
But, they were gone.
In my mind, I could hear Barney's voice echo-ing in my head,
"Challenge accepted."

I tried scouting for them in other stationery or art stores too.
But to no avail.

I chance upon THIS in some hidden place in Singapore.
This shop has officially become my No.1 Fav Stationery Store :)

Not only do i get the Rainbow Crayons, I got Metallic and Neon ones ;)

You gotta learn to be patient and wait. Then, will you be able to find the Real Treasure :)
That's MY takeaway. So long, folks!

When rachel was still skinny and very young.
Even before starting school,
she was being looked after by her Godma.
Her cousin was in primary school then.
So whenever her cousin goes downstairs to wait for her school bus, 
rachel and her Godma will accompany her to wait together.
But before heading to the waiting point,
sometimes they will stop by a mama shop.
There were times when her cousin bought this particular snack
which rachel envied and thought to herself,
"When i grow up, and i have money, i'll buy a lot of this!" and smiled to herself.

After many many years, rachel grew from skinny to plump to fat to VERY fat.
From time to time she have thought about that particular snack that she hoped for.
Unfortunately, there are many things that fades away with time
& she thought that this snack was one of them.
rachel FINALLY found it in some condo vending machine!
She finally got to taste the long forgotten snack in her favourite flavour too! :)

 I didn't like it as much as i thought i would.
It became too sweet for me.
I guess i'm too old for such sweet stuff alr.
Well, people do change over time :/
But nevertheless i'm VERY VERYglad i found it.
very nostalgic.
you know, that kinda satisfaction of discovering something that you thought was lost forever :)
it was fun:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It was the blood rush..

Sorry for the sudden temper boom.

I gotta learn to love what i have right now :')

Friday, August 19, 2011

My Itinary for Tomorrow.

8:30am: wakey
8:30-9.20am: sweep/ magic mop floor
9.20-10: sew top plus decide on what to wear
10-11: settle SIM/ UOL registration thingy :SS
11-12.30pm: prepare n eat lunch plus tv :)
12.30-1.45pm: bathe n prepare to go out
1:45-9pm: Have FUN n catch up with the gurls

Hoping all goes well! :)

todayishappie: Speechless - Jay Park (Feat.Cha Cha Malone )

Thursday, August 18, 2011

what is wrong with me?

everyone's talking about their roomie.
pictures of their hall.
"oh, i'm staying over in school tonight. sorry."

God damn it!
So this is what i lose out cos of my fucking grades.
and why i'm fucking lonely these few days?
cos i fucking dont have a roomie?!

it's fine really.
i'm jus seeing green.
& probably..
a little red too.
cos those are the colours of fucking christmas.

is there anyone else in this world who cant seem to let things go too?
why do i have to have hands that grip so tightly on things?

can't help but wonder..

will anyone ever see through me and tell me...

Lately, I've been having funny mood swings.
Feeling all angsty,happy,sad then excited, disappointed &etc
All together.
Which sucks.
Idk. maybe cos i was bored and starting thinking and hoping for things that
APPARENTLY are a little hard to achieve.although i dunno why.
some crazy messed up bitch.
Lately,it's been hard to get tired.
although i know soon i'll be wanting to hit my pillow asap like before.
and it's also cos i'm home with hardly anything to do.

Watched Sex and the City today.
& actually it was pretty good.
the type of thing i was looking for.
friendshipppy with lovie n hot sex.
hahaHa. actually just the friendshippy n lovie parts.

it kept me thinking.
"will i ever have these kinda companionship ever?
cos's one of the things that i really need.
A .. LOT.
it's like they are always there for each other n telepathic n understand one another SO WELL.
is it even realistic?
i might even start watching sex n the city from scratch ALREADY. god.
*p.s. noren.
if u wanna watch movies.try this.


If only i've got a fairy godmother who can at least grant me 3 wishes.
I would wish that she can give me a friend/partner who will always be there when i need him and who understands me thoroughly.

Secondly, i would wish that i can immediately shrink to a healthy weight.
Which is SUPER difficult to achieve. BUT I must say it's achievable but hard. BUT I CAN n I MUST!

& thirdly, wish that i have better luck. just a teeny bit better than now. cos everytime i say smth or hope not to get smth, I will end up getting the BAD thing. it's like everything i say or think is jinxed. n idk why.

can't wait for valentine's next year.
wanna get all LOVED UP.
go watch the trailer peeps.
its all sweet n love n tears. <3
all that i want NOW.

but neverminds.
i can wait for a few weeks more for my
in SMURFS !!

so. i'm gonna get all SMURFED  UP
before LOVEing UP.
ok. what the heck.

gonna start gathering my barney-lovin' sisters
& single ladies to make them promise to watch these 2 movies
with ME!
all though they most prob will break those promises..
all i can do is
