Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lately, I've been having funny mood swings.
Feeling all angsty,happy,sad then excited, disappointed &etc
All together.
Which sucks.
Idk. maybe cos i was bored and starting thinking and hoping for things that
APPARENTLY are a little hard to achieve.although i dunno why.
some crazy messed up bitch.
Lately,it's been hard to get tired.
although i know soon i'll be wanting to hit my pillow asap like before.
and it's also cos i'm home with hardly anything to do.

Watched Sex and the City today.
& actually it was pretty good.
the type of thing i was looking for.
friendshipppy with lovie n hot sex.
hahaHa. actually just the friendshippy n lovie parts.

it kept me thinking.
"will i ever have these kinda companionship ever?
cos's one of the things that i really need.
A .. LOT.
it's like they are always there for each other n telepathic n understand one another SO WELL.
is it even realistic?
i might even start watching sex n the city from scratch ALREADY. god.
*p.s. noren.
if u wanna watch movies.try this.


If only i've got a fairy godmother who can at least grant me 3 wishes.
I would wish that she can give me a friend/partner who will always be there when i need him and who understands me thoroughly.

Secondly, i would wish that i can immediately shrink to a healthy weight.
Which is SUPER difficult to achieve. BUT I must say it's achievable but hard. BUT I CAN n I MUST!

& thirdly, wish that i have better luck. just a teeny bit better than now. cos everytime i say smth or hope not to get smth, I will end up getting the BAD thing. it's like everything i say or think is jinxed. n idk why.

can't wait for valentine's next year.
wanna get all LOVED UP.
go watch the trailer peeps.
its all sweet n love n tears. <3
all that i want NOW.

but neverminds.
i can wait for a few weeks more for my
in SMURFS !!

so. i'm gonna get all SMURFED  UP
before LOVEing UP.
ok. what the heck.

gonna start gathering my barney-lovin' sisters
& single ladies to make them promise to watch these 2 movies
with ME!
all though they most prob will break those promises..
all i can do is


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