Friday, February 17, 2012

Wishlist! (Frequently Updated)

!) Taylor Swift Fearless UK album

@) A certain Bershka brelly

#) Capitamalls Vouchers!

$) Golden Poop keychain

%) Strawberry/ Mango Strudels !!

^) Swensen's icecream buffet with my besties.

&) Adidas cap in White / Orange stripes.

*) gift certificate(voucher)

%) 那些年我们一起追的女孩 novel

+) Dream High/ You're Beautiful DVD  Think it will be a waste of $$

")Disney cartoons Box Set

?) Studio Ghibli Box Set

~) Mini Shopaholic-Sophie Kinsella


,) I've Got Your Number- Sophie Kinsella


-) Attachments - Rainbow Rowell

Thats all for NOW.
Okay. i feel vry bu yan lian now.. -.- Zzzz.


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