Friday, February 17, 2012

It's has been long. Oopps!

A few days ago i kinda hinted my dear friend, Ah No, that i know want i wanted for my birthday.
And to find out in my blog.

AND NO i dont want any more make up for my birthday.
hahaha. i feel mean saying this but dont waste your money on it..
cos i have more than sufficient alr. tyvm.

But the thing is...
Yesterday. I kinda bought one of my "wanted" for my bday alr.
Yep.. It's these 2 babys ;D

I really cant help it! 
i mean it's on offer at 2 for $50!
i was like, "omo!"
And i spent probably 45 mins deciding and trying them on.
Really epic.
i was there on bag high 
and giggled retardedly in the near empty Royal Sporting House.
hahah! Sorry, PSM!

And i can't wait to use this for sch! 
but damn! i easily spent another 50 bucks.
Even though i just lost $105 to nothing.

Another Booyah!
omo! damn worth it..
Deal 1: order a main course and a free flow drink for only $9.80.
           (i ordered a chilli crab pasta worth $16+)
Deal 2: order 2 sundaes at $9.80.
           (we ordered 2 sundaes that are worth $9.20 each)

omg. Awesome only.

den we caught up with one another's life and laughed around..

Went over to civics centre cos she needed to collect some Key fanclub photobook or smth.
And i needed to mail my letter.

then we jus slacked at the library while playing around with her ipad. Woots!

Back home.. i was whatsapp-ing dearest Ah No when she offered me..
her DiDi.
i'm starting to like that lil furball even before seeing it in person.
i hope my momma will agree in us adopting it..
but all these will only happen when my exams are over..

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