Saturday, December 31, 2011


Was in Bangkok over the Xmas hols;)

Hmm.. Nth much to talk about it honestly.
Can't say it's completely awesome or absolute hell.
Just a mixture of awesomeness n frustrations? Up n downs.. You know what I mean..
Nth can be perfect.
At least there used to be perfect times for me. But nvr anymore.

Idk. Lately I can get freaking pissed off. And i can't tell if it's my fault or others. Damn my temper.

But I gotta say...

There sure are much much more good-looking peeps over there. GYABO! After seeing(frequently)so many good-looking people leading normal lives, taking trains n walking around. It seems that it's really Singapore that lack pretty people. Pathetic. Hais.. No wonder singapore fans are so clingy eh? Cos Singapore really lack of it. And they know how to dress up too!! Most of the people in town really dress up. Not in the over-the-top lady gaga kinda way but looking or good and KAKOII!! Haha! unlike Singapore......... I shan't say more.

Best way to find yourself a handsome dude?


Another thing to comment on is that the beverages over there generally seem a tat too sweet. Eek. But they do taste good. If only it's nt that sweet. They have more interesting foodie in sg though *slurpslurp ^^


All in all.
I think I still prefer touring european countries?
Stress free fantasy~^^

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