Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I embrace you, 2012.

The new year is coming.
So it's time to change for the better.
& get a new diary.

Got myself a new diary/organiser.
This year, i gotta really make full use of my planner and make sure it does organise my life.
Yes, i've been having/using a planner ever since what? P6?
The year where i tried to set my life straight.

My organisers have played a pretty big part in my life.
They walked with me throughout my life through thick and thin..
You can say they are all my BFFs.
And i had to let them go at the end of the year in search for a brand new one.
i'm sorry about that.
Gotta admit that throughout these years, i have using them for a wrong reason.
I no longer really use them to keep my life in shape
but rather use them to doodle or scribble my current feelings randomly on any page.
Or to jot down or paste things that remind me of special events that happened.

But this coming year.
I gotta make sure i get my life back on track.
Keep Focus.
Prioritise what is more important.
Think about your future.
Think long term.

Really like my new organiser.
Even though it's a little too tiny and pretty costly,
i absolutely LOVE the graphics :)
Artsy-Fartsy ;D

Enjoy :]

This kinda look like lady gaga to me,,, haha.


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