Sunday, January 6, 2008

HELLO!HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!hahas.Had a fun time on e 1st wk of sch thou.dere are 15 new teachers n a new DM!prissy's uncle!hahas.LOL sia.HUAITING FOR Os wor.this wk was a realli bz wk.had lots of hw cos haven done hols am stuck at home now.later still got tuition.sian.tml stil got phy test on sec3 chpts lo.siao 1.zsd.

BUT lawrence tan quite farnie la he.zsd.we got OLTAY for both maths.MRS GAN for chem.LENA CHNG for pe.omg.LEE THIEN HOE?idunno how to spell.for engrish.oh man.dunno how i wil survive sia.but nethertheless WE WIL STILL MISS AND LOVE MS DOROTHY ms tay dun dissapointeed or sad or watever le wor.

anyway...stil had amazing tym preparing for e sec 1 orientation campfire!WOOHOO.lina manda n i.hahas.n abit of sugar dar too.finally got lots of cheerin n shoutin long neva shout le.still got so many sick patients surround mi.dunno if i wil get sick too.zsd. TALKING FISH PILLS.ssh.cannot tell *ahem* wor bakartay.hahahahas.n den dere goes our kitchen was so lousy tt all the poles dropped out when we were movin it down e spiral stairs e nxt e end we redid it wif sugar dar.n i giv a lil credit 2 sihui n yizhen for e snake lashings.hahas.we redid it in lyk 1hr nia lo.n we wasted dunno how long e day b4.zsd.hahahahahahas.den came e AMAZING FIREBALLLLL! WOOHOO!it waws a success!hahas.n DARLING BRENDA GAVE US LIGHT STICKS!hahas.e campfire lyk e sec 1s all oso kanasai de malu.luckily we were dere havin a fun tym gossipin and "zi highing".den e guides performance oso kanasai la.communications not gd at all.its lyk cannot hear den dunno wats e nxt action 4 e friendship dance.and den e dance oso dance diu LIAN.okay?its LIAN not NIAN.oh man.i actually type nian de lo.den i rmb my HUNGRED NIANS and quite high.den hor say alsogoff comin den in e end neva turn up lo.dunno is bluff us 1 or realli smth crop up or jus din c her.but cannot b de ma.she guest of honour how can CANNOT c de.haiyo.nvm.

E LIGHT STICKS VRY LASTING DE LO!today sunday rite?still glowin sia.hahas.anyways.ytd went bk 4 some guides usherin thingy.hahas.all e comunity centre ppl la.but e free lunch was gd.O GOSH i sound so TYPICAL SINGAPOREAN AUNTIE!!!hahas.but realli la.e lunch is gd.i ate nasi briyani.i mean not tt its yummy but we seldom hv such gd free lunch roasted duck rice,got char siew rice,got er. dunno free packet drink too.den in e end nit stay until e whole event end lo.e pregnant woman tot onli after usherin de n can go le.kns.den wong kan seng came's MY idol.LOL.nono.jk nia.i stil took foto wif him,wif guides la,to be specific.but if say took foto wif mi mor honoured ly tt.hahas.okay.stupid.ya.den ran home in e rain.hahas.o man.since dad n mum watchin 12midnight muvee den we watched "meet e robinsons"dvd at home.not bad la.if anyone hav e song "little wonders"by ROB THOMAS mus imform rachel kok n send giv her y wld any1 name temselves "ROB THOMAS"i mean itts lyk u go and ROB a person called THOMAS ly stupid n dumb.mayb its tym for mi tochnge my skin as in blogskin.okay.stupid.anyway.yahs!

cant wait for our lockers sia.we told e vendor we dun wan at e bottom n wan 2 b beside each other lo. after 2 yrs usin e moz BOTTOMEST lockers.i'm jus so sick of it.hope realli can b in e middle n tgt!

yupps.o.lina.neva post pictures cos recently neva take send mi any lyk those light sticks de wor ppl.hahas.anyway.lina wanna b my sister TAY.

nxt wk doin OUTDOOR COOKING!ppl wanna donate 2 guides cum find mi wor!lol.den noren!bring $10 nxt wk 4 capitation.



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