Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the world of my LALALAppl ~*

hahas.RACHEL KOK HERE!!!everybody say woohoo!hahas.stupid kok.hahas.anyway.here to update bout e past few days.and my resolutions for e new year.althou its not so new afterall.its half a term for chrissake.hahas.well,deres lots 2 tok abt.2wks ppl!well1.5 to b exact.
26 jan SAT
Had dinner at jack's plc till i was bloated n could float lyk a BAlloon.hahasnot so kua zhang la.anyway.i had mix grill.woohoos.anyway.den had a "heart-to-heart" tok wif my fav auntie.well althou i dun get my headfones.i wil stil LOVE YOU de wor ,aunty amy! ;) hearts hearts.I LOVE KOKIES!
27 jan SUN
No more phy tuition is lyk such a relieve.i woke up today with no worries AT ALL.and i used e com a lil while.and of cos studied bloody geog.SIAN.can't wait to go bk to SCHOOL!i LOVE school.It rained today!iLOVEraining!rainydays.yays!composed to songs wif sissy.one on our parents n another on geography.to hlp mi rmb UPPERCOURSE and its characteristics.wanted to let san n man listen.but forgot.so darlings.if u c tis .remind mi k?
28 jan MON
TO: Yanrong and Rina my maths BFFs.hahas.SANDRA is lyk soooooo jealous.hahas.anyway.i'm here to apologise and thnk u for always providin mi wif maths ans.frm now on (now as in tues) RACHEL KOK IS GONNA WORK HARD AND ANSWER ALL YOUR MATHS QUESTIONS!!! tml(tues)shall b e laz day!

hahas. okay.dere are TWO ppl hu hv new hair styles.SIHUI & LAWRENCE TAN!!! *whistle*hahas.well, i still tink he shld dye his hair red.1stly cos its CNY n to hide his GREY HAIR.hahas.i m so bad.I LOST MY BIO TXT BK!hu cares!!!!gosh.i guess i realli REALLI care for my bio txtbk. sigh.i'm gonna get ah chow's num n sms her if she heard of any bio txtbks left behind in the lab!!!


had chinese compo test today hahas.n drank lots n lots of WATER*in my famous accent*hahas.anyway.we were apparently late for 20 mins of mt remedia.hahas.CHEN TAT GUANG was fumin in his seat.I LEARNT A NEW ENGRISH WORD!!!the word is....SUBTLETY!!!hahas,ty hin wen!hahas.THAT eng pro told mi e meanin de!hahas.tsktsk.gotta confess tt even after usin tis pencilbox 4 lyk 2 yrs.i stil din noe wat subtlety means.hahas.its stupid.i noe.my dad bot it w/o explainin e meanin mah.how i noe.hahas.nevertheless.I JUST LOVE MY DADDY!*googoo eyed rach*hahas,okay.well eavedropped hinwen's convo wif shelyce.so farnie can.hahas.wat "my mother take cane.....i wil take a fork."HAHAHAS.how farnie can she get?its lyk e image of a shiny polishe fork appeared in my mind wif hin wen's face.hahas.so farnie la.zsd.anyway.den we stayed bk 2 finish our hw. at least we did made an effort la huh.hahas.


went bk n studied GEOG again. how boring can it get.thurs study geog.sun study geog.mon study geog.sian ji pua.hahas.anyway. created a list of challenges for this wk 5.wich is wk 5.zsd.anyway.becky washed her kelly's hair n blew it dry styled it a oh-my-gosh-cute-cool-stupid-farnie way.ZSD lil sis!







29 JAN tues

2 happy things happened today.1stly.i found my bloody bio bk!woohoobut wats e point.i'm droppin it soon i guess.e probability,as san xu told mi abt probabilty mus b in fraction or % on e cumin sat,is lyk 99/100.zsd.but franklly,strtin 2 enjoy bio as a sub.but.gosh.wateva.2ndly.finished geog test.my lil dars(man n san)rote mi gd luck charms durin e test.n forced mi 2 read tem.i just was so touched.hahas.wanted 2 reach home early de lo.but in e end.u noe mi.4 sum reasons. i was late.haiz.cant wait tchouk ball e nxt day!i'm gonna cough soon... :(

30 JAN wed

i'm strtin 2 cough:( TCHOUKBALL hurray!was high lyk crazy agn.n we got tis jiayous thingy.weehoos.hahas.had phy SPA.sandra dar made my frustrated.but its okay.cos CNY is a wk's tym.i shall control my temper.but overall quite fun:Di can c my practicals r improving!:)had CNY deco session 4 lyk 1/2 n hr.den had 2 rush home.cos mum wan mi 2 b home cos she wil b late.den hv 2 babysit sis.zsd.was irritated at 1st.but in e end.spent tym diggin oldies.okay.its embaressi.i lyk vry toot ly tt.but old songs i nice de lor."hen xiong yat san gan nei zhao..."canto oldies nice nice too de wors.I M PROUD TO B A CANTO!sandy oso:D


den sugar dar told mi tt got ppl bully her after deco.zsd.no peacies 2 hlp.zsd.JIANFA DARREN N ANDREW! BULLIED MY DEAR DAR!n up till new yrs eve haven apologise.zsd.tried 2 make andrew apologise .stupid san sae dunnit.zsd.slap her.hahas.RIGHTEOUSNESS,darling!zsd.ANDREW SAY SORRY!

31 jan thurs

had maths remedia after sch.but we were realli late cos stupid LT(formteacher)let us of 5 min b4 remedia.eatin in2 our lunchbreak.so irritatin.but we stil had lunch.even random robin went up le lo.zsd.but.no nit 2 do up-downs.n poor sandy ask a qstn tt get OLtay annoyed.sigh.its ok san.althou i tink its evil of u.hahas.althou its REALLI BORING.smth was supposed 2 cum today.

1st feb fri

oman.so faz.2nd mth liao.zsd.n i onli manage to finish 1 pathetic goal.if i'm optimistic,"rachel,its a gd start"if i'm pessimistic,"rachel,its a pathetic 1 out of 5."i din mix up optimistic n pessimistic tis tym round rite.god.


listened during math class.:D
and UN


had guides.played sihui's bro's jc1 orientaion game.hahas.AHBENG.REDINDIAN.PIRATE.NINJA. thx 4 e fun-ness WONGBADAN! :De campfire part was farnie too.chew yee was irritatin.zsd.god.tt reminds mi!gotta stay bk wif SPOON n ODELIA!!!!hahas.anybody read tis pt remind RACHELKOK wors!


mummy's got bonus.so goin out 2day so tt wun spoil her mood.althou got tuition hw 2 gan! xS

had dinner with AUNTIE AMY n shse decided to jus get mi e headfones.WOOTS!


nearly postponed tuition.but thnk got didnt.it wasnt tt bad!anyway.did spring cleanin n shoppin.o n baked an blueberry cake order.oh.n drew smth n created a poem.hahas.sian la.got tuition.zsd.i tink she mite realli hate mi.my tutor.boohoos. :'(

bot a new GREEN TEE!hahas.lol.well witness a lesbian coupe right infront of me.how disgusting!gross.cursing the cashier person.zsd.but hu cares!:D its new year.

4th feb mon

love e weather.muacks x100.love glooomy weather.kinda reminds me of westlife-my love MV.hahas.stupid.anyway.feb is e mth wif lots of gd muvees.LAUGH OUT LOUD!how saddenin no tchouk ball tis wk.boohoos.nit to go to sch at 8.15 today.ah chow wanted 2 go thru bio prac.bow wow.boring.but at least she was kind enuff to treat e bio kids snacks.hahas.san n man came in wen she jus ended her lesson.how evil arhz.lazybums.hahas.had to bake blueberrycake for godma.woohoo.heart her loads n loads.ms tay gave us precious thoughts FORTUNE COOKIES!woots.hahas.mine wrote..." ******************"sssh.its a secret.hahas.nanny nann poo poo!lol.every packet had a lil note 4 each student.:)dun tel u wat it wrote.bleh.pui!its 2 more days to CNY!woots! o n i understood math.

5th feb tues


hahas.anyway.had bio SPA assessment today.dun understand y i took it anyway.well, i guess it went quite well for mi thou.wasnt tt hard.hahas.:Dit was on hormones n excretion.er.but i din see any link.no link at all.*shake head*

after sch we had phy SPA agn!god!dunno how many tyms liao lo.zsd.hahas.

i understood math agn.

6th feb wed

happy CNY eve.

sch was.... BULLSHT.PATHETIC.STUPID.SIAN.WASTE OF TYM.LT cheated our feelings.as long as bright colours can liao.he say mus cny colours.zsd.n we BEN BEN wear cny colours.zsd.it was irritatin overall.wanted take peacies foto de lo.den in e end.kns.cancelled.zsd.den celebrated nana's b'dae.wif a pathetic cup cake n 2love n truth peeps.not peacies :(.oh wells.but it was not bad too!.althou i not close 2 tem.hahas.

did spring cleanin.

had reunion dinner.

watch tv.

painted nails purple.woots ~*

watch peter pan e muvee.

went online to blog.

went online to talk.

had a new goal.

created lalalappl.

slp.at 3.

7 feb


woke up with kns coughin.went to visit both gran's plc.

went home.bloody hot n dry weather.

tsk tsk.

went home slp.

on air con le stil hot lyk shit.

den ltr in e evenin cousies came.

had a MONKEY's tym

had a heart to heart tok

THIS.rarely happens.

hey girl,u hv a pal here.

hey boy,u also hv a pal here to listen to u :)tt god sis mus b a bitch.zsd.hahas.no offence.

watched cj7 at 1am at j8 wif everybody.

overall.2.5 stars.e show.

had a throbbin headache.zsd.but stil managed to slp well.

n forgot to reset msg counter.BITCH!

8th feb fri

watched tv whole day.had lunch wif kokies.de watched tv agn.den went ziyu's plc.

watched tv at her plc.onli mi n gin went.pathetic CNY.its lyk all my coussies oso got visit frens hse la.zsd.

den went suntec.n went home sweet home.n watched tv agn.

9th feb sat.

watched tv agn until....

late aftn.bathe.did hw.den went out for dinner at...

er...oh.rmb.jack's plc at bras besar complex.manda.does it ring a bell.our art sch!!!

hahas.anyway. we went T3 to see see look look .

hahas.dad tis few days had gd mood.so always e farnie him la.hahas.lol.

den saw ex-kcpian dere.piang.

den ltr dad told mi to choose a pressie.lol.

cos he too got bonus.hahas.woots.

den i decided he will top-up 4 e head phones if it is over 50.

i mean if u wanna get e gd ones,surely over 50 de lo.

sis wanted lego.e one she kip seein on tv.lol.hahas.e police one wif prison.my mum was lyk dere sayin my sis bian tai.lyk 2 torture ppl.lol.

10th feb sun


went bugis.mum wanted to get a pair of earrings.bugis seemed to hv lots of jewellery shops.hahas.so dad suggestted we went dere.den we went pasta mania for brunch.den got becky' pressie.in e end she jus bot a sylvanian family sweetshop.to add to her collection.well, after tt we went to fetch ginjie n gran to godma's plc.while waitin for him to cum downstairs, dad was singing "oh my darling..." in an opera tone.hahas.farnie la.hahas.ginjie so cute de lo.zsd.cant stand him.once he got on e car he jus auto yadered to me all bout his pokemon game.den ltr he toked abt his fav game-matabots.n described vry detailedly.felt sry thou.cos i din un wat he tokin.plus tok so faz.den bu hao yi se ask him.zsd.den once he finished.he said"i tok a lot hor."hahas.so kawaii neh can.gin even suspected tis p6 kid watch porn.hahas.too innocent to watch lo.i tink.anyways, i watched MONTY PYTHON.hahas.so lame n stupid la.but tt day abot sian n tired. sos dun find a realli tt farnie.if watch wif san n man surely vry farnie de lo.no.mayb cos b4 we watch my coussie told mi too many of its farnie parts le.so not farnie any more.zsd.karin...ni hai de.hahas.after tt we went vivo to get my HEADFONES!woots.got it.i shant reveal e price.but its realli.omg!wow wee.hahas.but too bulky to bring out.sigh.bring out oso dangerous.cos it kinda blocks e sound.so cannot hear ppl tokin.ts y its dangerous.hahas.as lyk so glad.den dad was dere sayin recently e fones not vry gd.den ask mi wanna wait not.zsd.he even tok bout iphone lo.piang.hahas.i LOVE MY DADDY.hahas.tts y.i shall study SUPER hard.

11th feb tues
hahas. had mt remedia.n SHERMAN kept takin my chinese tys.zsd.sherman,dun tink ur b'dae den everybody mus rang ni arh i tel u.aiyer.hahas.
12th feb tues
was usin e com den rents suddenly cum home.omg.so frightenin can.zsd.den i off e com quickly hahas.lol.den was ritin valentines letteres to my darlings!hahas.today's my emo day.hahas.dunno y.jus felt emo.n had emo thots.n msged emo stuff to sudar dar.hahas.heart u darling!
okay.i update until here 1st.

rachel loves all

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