Saturday, January 26, 2008

say FINALLY!ppl

HELLO people and darlings!sry so long neva post.that's why rachel's here to post:D


okay.exactly two wks ago.we had our vry 1st phy remedia.yupps.den.we made GG banners.(ME.LINA.MANDA.SANDRA)*mk sure sandra is pronounced as SAN-dra n not SAND-dra.cos tt's e actual pronounciation!hahas.den we were doin e banner at cabana.issit called e cabana xm?hahas.anyway.den ltr ms teo came n told us dere's leftover paint tt we can use.THANK GOD.or else it will cost a bomb 4 us la.anyway.den ltr ms tay came over.cos she was hvin GB.den had a fun tym tokin.den san min n nana came bk wif our lunch.MAC!hahas.not gonna deny how i ate my was lyk omfg UNGLAM!hahas.despite e fact i was eatin wif ppl not onli SANDY.SH.NANA.MANDA.MIN.hahas.i jus lyk eatin my mcspicy tt way.hahas.ohhlala.okays
hahas.den.sickeninly.we had 2 leave e sch cos its closing.jus dun get it lo.y sat mus close.sch is suppose 2 b for students wat.y wen we nit a plc tt is big enuff n safe enuff we jus cant use it.haiz. e end my rents offered my e four of us went over to my plc.hahas.THNK YOU AUNTIE SOH FOR TREATIN US BBT!:D it was greatly appreciated!of cos thnk u PRISSY too.for offerin to treat us bbt or ANYTHING at j8.HEART u darling.eventhou u kip luffin at my lil volcanoes on my was a bz day tt day.1st tym my frens witness new furniture being assembled into my lovely hse*clutchin hands n batterin eyelashes* hahas.eeew. okay r sum fotos of us.the devoted guides...

hahas.this is wat lina wanted me to take:D

the devoted guides at my plc:D

woo~look at serious manda.go WIDE-EYED!

now.take a look at sandra lork:D hahas.
my ONE&ONLY sugar dar:D

catch a glimpse of nana...!

hahas.dere.all in was a fun cum tiring cum fruitful day.we took 11 shocking hrs 2 finish.dere goes our CIP!hahas.mum cook dinner for us.lina love the fish CHILLI.tey love my mum's cooking!woohoo!*whistle*well.sandra as usual was fascinated by my sis n her sims2.tsktsk to the sims e evenin tey put footprints outside my hse.hahas.n manda's footprint was found outside my hse.lyk hollywood lyk my father said.anyway.we managed to scrape it e end tey onli returned at ard 9 plus la.we all had our first dinner tgt on tt day:D

14 JAN mon
had our first mt remedia e same class.den dere was tis sec 5 disgustin guy flirtin wif manda.eew.(note the disgustin shite colour)thnk god manda din even care lo.but another 1 of us seem 2 b exceptionally excited.well.i ahnt mention hu.hahas.that guy was so freakin irritatin along wif THAT annoyin fren of his.anyway.after tt we finished up our gg banner.left some touch-ups to do.and we realised prissy's b'dae was on sun.felt so bad.she even fed us wif her mint chioc b'dae pressie.cos our hands were greasy wif black paint.heart her,in e end all 3 of us ended up wif painted uniform.hahas.

18 JAN thurs


xm n sihui was gone today.tey had to host their korean buddies.kinda regret i din host.but heewon wont b i din realli c any point in tt we discussed abt our class retreat.cant believe lawrence tan din allow us stay overnight at chalets.n not allowin us to leave e mainland.n e worst part of all.NOT ALLOWING MS TAY.she was n still is our form teacher in our can he ly tt!its sim ply OUTRAGEOUS!hahas.but i was exceptionally high n hyper n crazy that day.wif lina tt dum one.and my necessities-man n san.nth is incomplete.n wen e korean teachers came to our bio lab session i was so glad e teacher still recognize mi!sad;D. e principal din was saddenin.but after tt i went so high tt nearly dropped off e prac is always e tym i get really high,i realized.we played wif magnifyin glasses wen it was supposed to b 4 us 2 hv a closer look of e fun.den san kept complainin wat a hot day it was.n was dere sayin she wil not use heater 2 bathe tt day.den i was sayin i dun bathe in heater.den she was lyk shocked dao.she knew me 4 2 yrs le.n stil din noe i bathe w/o si bai can she b.tsktsk.den random robin suddenly pop in sayin tt dunno wat abt bathein wif hot water n smth abt dead cells.LAUGH OUT LOUD.i tink e heat reaalli penetrated his head man!i continued highin even after math remedia after sch.den on our way out of sch.saw si/shijie n fabian.our korean buds.hahas.apparently tey were goin 2 e bbq ltr on at eastcoast.n we luffed at e usual shijie.jajas.den we headed to e icecream stall opp sch 4 another ice cream session.

i noe.i look stupid.


hahas.whole day wif e koreans 2 day.woohoo.xm's rents in offered if we wanna stae ova at her plc.but.of cos bu hao yi se.ppl wil shy de u noe.hahas.anyway.tey hv tis realli cool electronic dictionary cum cool can.can even translate sentences can. zsd.hahas.and that day was the 1st tym OLtay treated so nice even thou we were late after recess cos of e long queues and at the slow rate e koreans were was overall fun.we took pictures durin chapel!:D

persistent sandra's idea~*


treated e koreans bbt!:D
was raped during guides,Xp it was guides games day.was playin tresure hunt.
chck tis out.bren was e paparazzi of e day.GOU ZAI DUI!!!!

the snatchin n chasing din end bcos of sandra's,"i dun believe we 2 cannot beat rachel!"

even my knickers were exposed can.zsd.all becos of sum peanuts n no avail.dove still got kns points.but it was e fun that realli mattered.

dun u tink san posed lyk kcp's staff fotos.hahas.
did u realised i looked TALLER!hehes.i tip-toed!:D

went home n bathed.chnged.n went bk 2 sch 2 mit xm n e koreans.went her plc 4 dinner n shoppin at orchard.went 2 fareast but many shops were e end went yi seurl a jap mag n hyo hyeon a bag.i got a same bag 4 my advanced b'dae pressie frm xm:D bot san a cute pencil:D

22 JAN tues
health checkup-no nit of specs.!yet another yr of no-specs.nanother healthy rachel.lalas.i'm not braggin.jus statin a fact.hahas.DEN WE HAD BIO PRAC!another CRAZY SESSION!!!i will miss these sessions after tis yr.i am REALLY POSITIVE.

22 JAN wed
TCHOUK BALL.dunno why but was vry high.hahas rhymes wor.hahas.anyway.tchouk ball was fun THAT day.sry tt i was late.made lena chng nag awhile.paiseh wors 4 love:Dkept jumpin up n down.learnt sumthin tt day.jus stay happy.dun care if other ppl buay long as ownself happy can le.why waste e effort frownin makin urself upset.rather kip stayin happy n cheerin 4 e opposin team.AND HOR.PLEASE DUN AMBITIOUS THROW FARFAR CAN.zsd.cant stand show-offs.e bez part is wen u drop on e floor can.if managed 2 catch i will jus stand one side n oooh n aaah wif admiring googoo eyes.okay.

XM wasTRYIN 2 poison 4love.hahas.anyway.apparently her korean buddies gave her 4 pkets of dunno wat fd 4 her frens.but apparently it has one noes and andrew even said its tasted not bad n wil taste better on BREAD.gosh.he even told us he used to bathe in the sewer in indonesia.hahas.he 4got e well is called a well.he said it was the sewer.where all the shit n waste comes out frm.hahas.went 2 hv amaths consultaion frm ms tay.ended up tokin lyk nobody's business until 5.

XM WAS ACCUSED OF POISONIN 4 LOVE.everyone who took a bite claimed to suffer frm diarrheoa.hahas.cherie's b'dae.her bez b'dae pressie eva.A1 for HCL!release of O levels results.we could feel e tension ans it was at e tym we nwe we called eaach other MEATY names.hahas.

25 JAN fri

was alone in geog class geog all got award take.left mi dere lyk loner ly tt lo.zsd.but allthnks 2 tem geog test postponed!yippeee.den kept yaderin after tey were bk.den wen we re-joined san n man.tey told mi tey scored 7/10 b'cos of mi.i was huh?but i understod after readin their report.apparently they were supposed 2 compare a character in their lit bk wif a frne of theirs.n THEY chose mi.felt quite honoured.n all the description was so true.hahas.i really is NANNY FLOWERS!:Dwas dere searchin 4 cartoon characters 2 suit shitty club frm my organizer.had such a farnie chapel tt day.den we were all dismissed class by class.ppl lyk darren,keith n robin sat at diff classes.surprisingly,cos we were e laz 2 b dismissed,tey din go off wen the class tey r sitted at were dismissed.n stupid mi stil thot michelle was still behind mi.well wen tey stayed bk.felt a strong sense of tay will b proud:Dhad 2 practicals straight.straight after school.quite ok.mayb ytd i had prac sense.cos i tink its my bez prac yet.hahas.n e chem lab aunties was so cute n farnie can hahas.she helped mi wif my pipette stopper to find her own HCL overflowing.hahas.den later she thot hin wen was kneeling on e lab stool when hinwen is REALLI THAT tall.hahas.den after tt we had phy prac den i cos lawrence tan "yao zi bu qing"he said dunno wat pair n e dot.which i mistaken as the PEAR n the DOG.den i was lyk "Huh?pear n dog got wat link?"ya. it was lyk a sauna dere.cos everyone was crowding ard the table.hahas. lyk lil e end we ended practicals ard 4.30.guides ended ard 5.we hardly did anything.we jus listen 2 e announcements n collected our guides 08' tee.desighned by was FANTASTIC!u r praised by ms kok!hahas.den after guides lina went crazy.sandy lost her hp pouch n i went home after 410 passed mi.hopin my mum's not inside.X) n thnk god she wasnt.hahas.finished all sch hw ytd nite except 4 math.rents nagged.its lyk my mum's fav word these days is"STUBBORN"."why are you so stubborn?...""can u dun b so stubborn?..""u r vry stubborn.."well as i rite it in my eng essay abt generation gap-what is your role in your family?wat are conflicts u hv wif ur parents n how tey r resolved.wat a right tym 2 rite such essay i said in e essay.its 4 my own gd.n as long as i do as tey say,e probs wil automatically b resolved.LEETHIENHOE is ULTRA CUTE.she said i'm a xiao ding cute can she get?


love,is actually everywhere.

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