Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's daddy's birthday:)
Went to get him his all time fav - blackforest cake.hahas.
cos he ask for a cake from mum.hahas.stupid dad.
anw.got him rum n raisin icecream,
mixed nuts n peanut pancake too!
hahas.all his favs.

But.I ended up lookin lyk a total dork.
I was lyk a obasan
do u know how awful I look n how stupid I felt.
Jus imagine the scene man..
making matters worst,my fringe are all clipped up POTENTIAL TOOT,
n I started using my orange turtle bagpack agn!
N in my heavy sack was a 2litres full of sunkist orange juice cos dad loves it too.
n it made my bag shaped weirdly.anw its super ugly.


N I bet my pri sch pretty n slim fren spotted me!
even thou i pretended not too see her.
sometimes i really hope my eyes are not so sharp so that i wont see such ppl etc.
She's tan,smart,skinny,tall,pretty aiya in short- potential power woman la.
n I m exactly opp.
studyin in e lousiest jc,fair(lyk 一团面粉),fat,stout n failing academically.
She's lyk watever I'm not.
n I cfm look 10x fatter den e last tym she saw me.
I bet with my last monopoly dollar.
lau kui.thnk god I haven buy ANYTHING yet at tt point in tym.

n THAT classmate of mine!!so gonna strangle her.Arghh~


heartuforever <3

Monday, September 21, 2009

GP promos just over on fri.
time to chuck all the GP stuff at one corner,
temporary delete all GP related stuff frm my teeny brain
& focus on the rest of the subjects!
jiayous rachel kok!

havent been updating bloggy at all lately.
but heck!
must concentrate.
n i hate my pw leader.
damn blur.
eff him.
watever man
having pw meeting online now n
am presently in a F O U L mood.
seriously man.
y issit always i tok to THAT 2 i will be in such mood?

anw.i am so gonna die frm stress.
e nxt tym u c me i will be ALL WHITE at the top.

bet no one's visited my blog.
its semi-rotting
plus everyones bz wif their own blardy stuff.

n i jus realised tt gerard butler was the phantom of the opera.
god! he's hot. yeah babes!

cant wait for promos to go.
i really gotta CHIONG! wish me luck,peeps!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Viewing at all those pictures others took when they went back to kcp just makes me jealous.
it made me regret not escaping from school.
escape from my fucking school who not only held back for 2 hours but
2 and a half hours of my time.it was a total waste of time.
i can see that the teachers also did not want to be held back
and be tormented by our horrible VP.
forcing them to share a little bit of their lives with us.when they don't want to.
and when we didn't want to listen and don't friggin care.
i should have went back to see my Mr Lawrence Tan, Mrs Lee Thien Hoe, Mrs Gan etc.
I could have just escaped with zhi qian.i feel so stupid.
Tons escaped.why didn't i? wtf.
nxt yr..NEXT YEAR!
but i bet it won't be the same..
normally people are more keen to return when they just graduated.
the bond is still there.
i hate my school for depriving me.how can they do THIS!
what the fuck is wrong with them.
i know its damn petty for me to keep mulling over this issue.
but i really feel damn regretful.

it's so amazing how those pictures can tuck at my heartstrings.all those memories.memories.
teacher's day is more of an excuse for us, ex-students to return to school
and catch up with the rest of the peeps.
how we used to do this.
how we survived without each other's company.
how we miss our school so so much.
but i wasnt there.
i wasnt there to see them,teacher's touched facial expressins.
all of those were missed.

i feel like a coward.typical cowardly singaporeans.

weather is great today.listening to norah jones makes it better with the rain :)