Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's daddy's birthday:)
Went to get him his all time fav - blackforest cake.hahas.
cos he ask for a cake from mum.hahas.stupid dad.
anw.got him rum n raisin icecream,
mixed nuts n peanut pancake too!
hahas.all his favs.

But.I ended up lookin lyk a total dork.
I was lyk a obasan
do u know how awful I look n how stupid I felt.
Jus imagine the scene man..
making matters worst,my fringe are all clipped up POTENTIAL TOOT,
n I started using my orange turtle bagpack agn!
N in my heavy sack was a 2litres full of sunkist orange juice cos dad loves it too.
n it made my bag shaped weirdly.anw its super ugly.


N I bet my pri sch pretty n slim fren spotted me!
even thou i pretended not too see her.
sometimes i really hope my eyes are not so sharp so that i wont see such ppl etc.
She's tan,smart,skinny,tall,pretty aiya in short- potential power woman la.
n I m exactly opp.
studyin in e lousiest jc,fair(lyk 一团面粉),fat,stout n failing academically.
She's lyk watever I'm not.
n I cfm look 10x fatter den e last tym she saw me.
I bet with my last monopoly dollar.
lau kui.thnk god I haven buy ANYTHING yet at tt point in tym.

n THAT classmate of mine!!so gonna strangle her.Arghh~


heartuforever <3

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