Saturday, December 31, 2011


Was in Bangkok over the Xmas hols;)

Hmm.. Nth much to talk about it honestly.
Can't say it's completely awesome or absolute hell.
Just a mixture of awesomeness n frustrations? Up n downs.. You know what I mean..
Nth can be perfect.
At least there used to be perfect times for me. But nvr anymore.

Idk. Lately I can get freaking pissed off. And i can't tell if it's my fault or others. Damn my temper.

But I gotta say...

There sure are much much more good-looking peeps over there. GYABO! After seeing(frequently)so many good-looking people leading normal lives, taking trains n walking around. It seems that it's really Singapore that lack pretty people. Pathetic. Hais.. No wonder singapore fans are so clingy eh? Cos Singapore really lack of it. And they know how to dress up too!! Most of the people in town really dress up. Not in the over-the-top lady gaga kinda way but looking or good and KAKOII!! Haha! unlike Singapore......... I shan't say more.

Best way to find yourself a handsome dude?


Another thing to comment on is that the beverages over there generally seem a tat too sweet. Eek. But they do taste good. If only it's nt that sweet. They have more interesting foodie in sg though *slurpslurp ^^


All in all.
I think I still prefer touring european countries?
Stress free fantasy~^^
You are making me feeling all feisty inside.
Do you even know that?

Whenever it comes to this kinda situation it makes me all frustrated.
Why do I see myself sacrificing MY own family time to make way for yours?
Bloody hell.

If you really wanna see me,make it a point to free yourself and then come and see me.
I'm sick and tired of all these delays or last minute cancellations.
Isn't it dumb to put in all the effort and time planning and in the end you fucking forget about it all?


Life do suck.

So,please,just show me I mean something to you.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Time.

Yess, i know it's 5 in the morning.


I've been thinking of getting a better cam.
Something good enough and idiot-proof:)
So a point-and-shoot is most suitable.
Thus, was researching on cams since 1.
Initially was thinking of nana's Canon Powershot S95
But it IS a lil too ex eventhough the reviews are awesome

Anw i came across a Nikon that seems to be not bad too.
Of cos i believe not as awesome but pretty close
And it's 100 bucks cheaper.
& i guess Nikon is a good brand for cams, right?

i'm aiming for a Nikon Coolpix S9100
hope i can get it
And at a good price:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Change.

Specially for the upcoming hols,

Rachel's got new RED tresses ;)

say 'hi' to them, ya?

Feeling like a hayley.

Feels like a bomb before explosion.

Next time I'll be braver, 
I'll be my own saviour, 
Standing on my own two feet.

Need to start singing.
Need to start reading between the lines of the songs.
Need to start to be independent. Depend on me and only me alone.
Need to start striving for my future.


I know the new year is around the corner,
and it's time for changes.
Changes for the better.

But i just can't help but notice myself changing.
Without myself controlling them at all.
And i have no idea why.

But somehow,
deep down,
i don't think it's for the better..

I embrace you, 2012.

The new year is coming.
So it's time to change for the better.
& get a new diary.

Got myself a new diary/organiser.
This year, i gotta really make full use of my planner and make sure it does organise my life.
Yes, i've been having/using a planner ever since what? P6?
The year where i tried to set my life straight.

My organisers have played a pretty big part in my life.
They walked with me throughout my life through thick and thin..
You can say they are all my BFFs.
And i had to let them go at the end of the year in search for a brand new one.
i'm sorry about that.
Gotta admit that throughout these years, i have using them for a wrong reason.
I no longer really use them to keep my life in shape
but rather use them to doodle or scribble my current feelings randomly on any page.
Or to jot down or paste things that remind me of special events that happened.

But this coming year.
I gotta make sure i get my life back on track.
Keep Focus.
Prioritise what is more important.
Think about your future.
Think long term.

Really like my new organiser.
Even though it's a little too tiny and pretty costly,
i absolutely LOVE the graphics :)
Artsy-Fartsy ;D

Enjoy :]

This kinda look like lady gaga to me,,, haha.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Okay, I know, it has been

But it's either laziness or my life is simply jus not exciting enough. So, sorry folks.hehe. I guess I'm pretty boring.

Anw, this week has been pretty or really exciting I should say? Actually planned to shop at Queensway on monday for a new pair of shoes but I ended up hopping over to Godma's and even stayed over for a night:)

Spent the whole day and night playing Karin's awesome card/board games. Haha. Totally a settler's club over there. Hees.

Was supposed to have class in tues de. But last minute cancelled:) I bet most ppl wouldn't see it as a happy thing cos everyone are hardworking people, except for me.haha.

So had zichar dinner with Godma family n my family:) awesome much. And I probably can follow them to sydney in feb.hopefully I can! So I intend to mug really hard from now on so I won't be missing out much. And must start extreme dieting too!!

Went out yesterday with Godma n karin again. Awesome shopping at orchard;) bought 2 tops from F21.hoho.dinner at watami was fantastic too;) buying much stuff from F21 lately. Not bcos I like it. But cos they are the cheaper substitutes for the clothes that I like. If I've got the money I wldnt hv spent money there at all. Zara is my paradise.

Today,totally look like some fat pregnant woman in the morning. Cos since I will be going home during my 4hours between class break I heck cared. But felt rather no confident de. Sudden outbreak of painful acne, ugly black roots much exposed, fat and fair flabby arms, clipped up fringe and big black tote that when combined together with my brown baggy ragged top make me look friggin pregnant?!? In fact I'm surprised no one offered me a seat on the train. Yes, the damn trains in singapore where everyone snatches the damn seats. SERIOUSLY?! the seats ain't gold-plated or weight-losing.WTS?!

Couldn't stand the way I looked so I took out my shades and hide behind them all the way home.

Headed home today to doll up;) cos will be attending a ballet in the evening right after sch today. The nutcracker. Although I don't like the fact that it is Chinese/Asian- themed.*roll eyes. Hope it'll be awesome enough to make me nt mind the special theme. Zzz. But still exciting:D ;D

So today marks the first time I wear heels to sch. Hees. I was always afraid that people will be like,"WTS, come sch also wear heels..." I mean it's natural,we tend to stereotype these ppl as bitches but.. Sometimes but also rise up to occasion ma hor? Hees. Afterall I dont think I walk awkwardly in heels after much practice thru the sat few months:)

Tomorrow, Godma and family will be coming over fr dinner:) we making sushi:) dad's thinking of getting a Xmas tree from ikea. Can't wait to let the nostalgic scent of pine be immersed into our home again;) hees.

And I wanna do my hair SOON!

Wasn't able to study much and furthermore will be away to THAILAND-BANGKOK in 1&1/2week later? MUG!

Excited for the Bangkok trip much. In fact it doesn't matter where I go,as long as I go on a holiday,I am a happy girl:)
Shopping trip sia. Have been wanting to go Bangkok shopping since a million years ago. Gonna buy buy buy!! Be jealous,bitches.

Even though the timing are always not right.but I shall still make it work out.why didn't all these opportunities came during my 8month long holidays?! I was like friggin stuck in singapore?!?!??!? But still better than not going at all:) 知足.