Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My favourite quotes.

What does it mean to be Big Bang?

"Kids that don't listen.
We take the road not taken,
and do things others are afraid of doing.
And we do it on purpose, 
so one day when we look back at ourselves,
we can be proud.
I think that's our path."

While doing all these promotions,you must have come across hardships.
Was there any such turning points in your careers?

"Because we're people who make our own songs,
Even though we don't want to, there'll still be a turning point.
It's alright now, but even our sunbaes told us that there'll be such a turning point
& we already know."

So when you are tired, what do you do?

"There's nothing you can really do.
Even if you talk to someone, it's not like a good song will come out.
So it's an inner struggle by yourself,
& it's the hardest problem for the members."

Friday, March 30, 2012

Thanks loves~<3

I do feel like I'm some spoilt brat when it comes to receiving my birthday pressies:)

Somehow I am pretty glad I didn't receive amy dramas fr my bday. Phew~

Thanks to my JC pals for the awesome night filled with laughters;D and the bucks cakey n awesome presents;) I esp loved the necklace;E

Sunday, March 25, 2012


FIRSTLY, my new love. Seriously, LOVE.

Secondly! Thanks lovely PORKS for the awesome gifts that are from my wishlist! They practically jumped out from the page. Was a really shocking SURPRISE. With a new couple plus the dog giving me a shock expression. Chincha shocked.

Loving my new Sophie Kinsella BOOKS & Taylor Swift album. LOVE EUUSS MUCH!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am my Fairygod Mother.

I feel like i am fulfilling my own wishlist. Hahahah!

I got my Adidas Cap ;D

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wishlist! (Frequently Updated)

!) Taylor Swift Fearless UK album

@) A certain Bershka brelly

#) Capitamalls Vouchers!

$) Golden Poop keychain

%) Strawberry/ Mango Strudels !!

^) Swensen's icecream buffet with my besties.

&) Adidas cap in White / Orange stripes.

*) gift certificate(voucher)

%) 那些年我们一起追的女孩 novel

+) Dream High/ You're Beautiful DVD  Think it will be a waste of $$

")Disney cartoons Box Set

?) Studio Ghibli Box Set

~) Mini Shopaholic-Sophie Kinsella


,) I've Got Your Number- Sophie Kinsella


-) Attachments - Rainbow Rowell

Thats all for NOW.
Okay. i feel vry bu yan lian now.. -.- Zzzz.


It's has been long. Oopps!

A few days ago i kinda hinted my dear friend, Ah No, that i know want i wanted for my birthday.
And to find out in my blog.

AND NO i dont want any more make up for my birthday.
hahaha. i feel mean saying this but dont waste your money on it..
cos i have more than sufficient alr. tyvm.

But the thing is...
Yesterday. I kinda bought one of my "wanted" for my bday alr.
Yep.. It's these 2 babys ;D

I really cant help it! 
i mean it's on offer at 2 for $50!
i was like, "omo!"
And i spent probably 45 mins deciding and trying them on.
Really epic.
i was there on bag high 
and giggled retardedly in the near empty Royal Sporting House.
hahah! Sorry, PSM!

And i can't wait to use this for sch! 
but damn! i easily spent another 50 bucks.
Even though i just lost $105 to nothing.

Another Booyah!
omo! damn worth it..
Deal 1: order a main course and a free flow drink for only $9.80.
           (i ordered a chilli crab pasta worth $16+)
Deal 2: order 2 sundaes at $9.80.
           (we ordered 2 sundaes that are worth $9.20 each)

omg. Awesome only.

den we caught up with one another's life and laughed around..

Went over to civics centre cos she needed to collect some Key fanclub photobook or smth.
And i needed to mail my letter.

then we jus slacked at the library while playing around with her ipad. Woots!

Back home.. i was whatsapp-ing dearest Ah No when she offered me..
her DiDi.
i'm starting to like that lil furball even before seeing it in person.
i hope my momma will agree in us adopting it..
but all these will only happen when my exams are over..