Sunday, May 31, 2009


HELLO peeps! :D

decided to set aside some time to blog for a while.well mayb not exactly awhile. but.. hahas. gonna have chem CA tmr n am here blogging. how appropriate.

anyways,last fri was my first ever block test which just lyk common test but the first word is different. felt a lil excited.i cant believe it.EXCITED to go and take ppr.crap.fri only had GP n MT ppr.the rest of the subjects will b right after e june hols. during the GP ppr i cant help but miss kcp hall.n e environment n e ppl n e tchers n e way we carried out our pprs n stuff.sigh. over here at yj, everything is lyk all crammed up n old n look dirty. some ppl have to take their ppr in e class rms instead.which jus emphasizes how small the friggin hall is. *roll eyes. oh wells.. hahas. actually another reason y i was happy abt takin e ppr is that its better den goin for lessons after lessons. cos lessons require full attn n i lack that aspect. serious. taking pprs is much more relaxing den to attend lessons. cos u noe they will hv a test on tt topic soon n we wont hv e tym to catch up n stuff. CRAPSHIT.

& i think i screwed up my MT compo.we were supposed to write abt wat happened nxt after i saw a pregnant lady got onto e train n i hesistated to offer my seat n she turned pale after a while. u noe wat i wrote??? okay .seriously i knew it wld b crap when i was deciding wat to rite.but i really wanted a funny twist at e end of the story.hence, i wrote tt cos it was durin peak hours and more n more ppl streamed into the train.not much ppl alighted.but frm my seat i can see her expression.ok.den i realised she looked paler n paler n even started to break into cold sweat.i quickly squeezed my way thru n asked if she was ok.den she say her stomach vry pain n as more ppl squeezed in den she suddenly grabbed my arm den i saw there was some red liquid ard her feet.after seeeing it she fainted.den ltr a few other ppl hlped carry her out.but cos i'm a girl, i hlped carry her grocery bags.den while waitin for e ambulance, i felt smth wet n cooling ard my feet.den when i looked down i got a fright.cos i thought i saw's e actual wasnt was something we all hate...番茄汁.let me translate if you cant read chinese characters .its the red and orangy tomato juice.u dun lyk tomato juice rite.everyone hates tomatos.let alone tomato juice.which will taste weirder.yucks!ya.ok.its stupid.u can luff all u wan.apparently she had tomatoes in e grocery bag n caused it was too crammed up n e tomatoes got squashed and hence we achieved the "blood" drippin eh.den i wrote e typical conclusion and THE END! :)

oh man!jus realised.was it duan wu jie last thurs?i m so bz tt i forgot abt it.mans.althou it doesnt really matter to me.

on to e nxt topic, which is... I HAVEN GOT TIME TO DO LAST MIN SHOPPIN AND PACK FOR MY TRIP! god.n i dun hv shorts.gonna grab fbts.n my STRAW tym to scout for nice ones.oh bother.GSS is here n i dun hv e tym to go shop for my trip:( sad.

& am kinda addicted to this kiddy game.its called hotdog bush or bush hotdog.e bush is not flower bush that bush but its george bush THAT bush.hahas.its to mock him after beinf kicked out of e white hse he opens a hotdog stall n sells them in parks, road sides etc. den e player is george bush and has to meet e demands of the customers.yepps! tts abt it for today, folks!


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