Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today marks the 38th day i have not SEEN manda and the 34th day i have not MET UP with sandra. oh wells.i kinda forgot abt it.gettin to life without these two blockheads.but at the same time its sad.can't believe how i managed to continue life in school without THAT CLIQUE FIVE.lol.guess everyone's busy like hellnow :) huaiting! NAPFA starts this week.i bet it's going to suck.i scared i will fail my bloody 2.4 as usual and or PW/GP tcher just returned us all our PIs to redo to improve.like.WTH?!?! finally can get over it and now it bounces back to us.bullshit.sch was okay today.managed to survive PE.guess i'm getting used to the physically tough stuff:) oh man!if only my temp is 37.6. in that case i can go home early!sigh.my temperature is no where near it so..shuddup rach.anw! really wanna catch up with my darlings!i am afraid if we don't meet up soon we might not have anything to tok abt alr. SO! ya. i wanted say smth n i forgot.like AGAIN.hahas. anw finally caught twilight. well.i dunno if its me or wat.but i didnt really find it VERY GOOD.its a lil too slow paced for me i guess.i dunno.but it was pretty cool.mayb i have to read e boook to like it.and if only kirsten's voice aint so deep.hahas.oh wells.but i LOVE vampires:) n manda,if u read this, underworld part3 aint gd :(

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