Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pictures = Memories :(

since when did i became so BLACK
candy girl loves to lift up her leg *3*

last night :( back home

on our way home..MRT!



had omu rice for dinner with nana n fish :) n we discovered a newly launched sony MP3!!! omg. KAKOII!

lovely nana and me <3

lonesome wed night <:') chionging PI and waiting for the two to come home :( had tuna pita bread for dinper(dinner + supper) with them and chionged PI till 1 plus.
hot and sunny wednesday aftn

JUST LOOK at what she is sitting comfortably on!!!hahas *grins* was decorating waterbottle before sleeping on sunday.decorating bottle with new stickers:)from DAISO!hahas.decorated for almost the whole night.had lovely LAI yong tau foo for dinner tt night:)our first home-"cooked" meal at hoime tgt :)

her sexaye ass:) KAWAII!!! on wed aftn.

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