Tuesday, April 28, 2009

well.dunno what to say about today.was pretty depressed over my test marks.i'm like the lowest few in class again.what exactly is wrong with me?i must have not put in enough effort.i feel so stupid everytime.why am i not good enough to be able to catch every single thing that comes out from the speaker's mouth?why do i fail to remember anything i've learned before?even if i listened in class MORE it just doesnt seem to help much.i don't see the point.i overheard my classmates saying,"actually sec sch to jc not much diff.but pri sch to sec sch e diff is pretty big..." well, frankly, i see more diff in sec to jc.reason being there is no more chance to slack in jc anymore.there ain't textbooks for u to catch up or study in advance.n that is why it sucks.i really wanna get some assessment bks or tys etc.but issit weird to get tys at this stage?are there topical tys for me to practice more?i just simply cant stand the fact that even though i listen in class i still cant get it!i bet its my basics.like for chem.during o levels i just studied without even understanding and getting the concepts right.seriously.and now i gotta suffer in jc with a weak foundation.this is all crap!why did i take H2 chem when i suck at chem,hate chem and dun get chem.but i guess there are not much choices besides bloody chem.sigh.i guess i have to stuck with it for another 1 and a half years:( jiayous.to think that i thot i wldnt need to touch chem after Os or even touch any studying material.i really thot i wld hv ended up in poly doing design.or at least enter jc WITH my clique or smth.i ended up being the only one still not able to adapt to my environment and still stubbornly clinging onto the gates of kcp,not letting my past go...soooo looking forward to my long weekends.sch simply sucks.i wanna get sick and be on MC!!!

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