Sunday, April 5, 2009

This week ended off pretty well.And this week was pretty slack.smiles:)so looking forward to next week.

2)only ONE trg n ONE pe lesson :D(normally two each)

ohwells.hahas.anyway i am so glad n grateful for having good friday.infact it's the first time in my life that i really treasure good friday.hahas.going to jc made me grew up.physically and mentally.mentally as in u noe.and i tend to get emotional more easily.

anw,today's saturday section of the straits times was very meaningful and was what that kept lingering in my mind for the past month or so.dont ask me why.but i think it was a vry touching section.

anw was a little high abt an hr ago with san n fish.I VOTE FOR FOREN!lol.

And xinmin!cheer still got me who is also passing through the same phase in life now.hahas.i am gonna help you through.although i might have one or two more people who can really support me, i am willing to cheer you on as much as three person can do.jiayous.dun forget you still got your cute lil lao kok kok to stand by you;D

so long,


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