Thursday, July 30, 2009

ytd was a great great fruitful day:)

went to sch early in the morning supposedly to retake 2.4
e tcher thot i went to train for 2.4.
wth.i din noe lo.
she stil asked me to warm up run 2 rounds first.
den i was lyk "huh?!"
den i ask'can dun run?" e end den i realised is cos she thot i came for trg.
my beauty slp jus got wasted!
&ZQ still came early jus to accompany me run lo.
so paiseh n sorry sia,
but stil vry FUN n FUNNY.heh heh.
classes rather slack tooo.
cos of the lectures mayb.
watever. den had netball.
was rather sian.but...

den ltr met ZQ after sch for math rev session
had calculus test today.
we studied frm 7 to 9.30 can.
omg. crapped in between but..
i never felt so fruitful ever in grp study sessions.

esp if study wif san man na n peepos.
hahas.hahas.even when to say hi to my aunt wkin at northpoint!
hahas.lame sht.

but today rather sch.
walao.den ZQ suddenly caught fever!!!
OMG sia. n she chldnt take the math test.
i thot she went isolation rm or smth can.
den tmr phy lecture test she oso cannot take lo.

feel so guilty:(
mayb is cos she hung out wif me tts y sick de. damn sad.
how m i gonna survive in sch w/o her tmr sia.
esp when i m stuck with 2 *toots.

tmr endin at 12.40!YIP YIP!
but san , tt sickenin san, didnt think i was worth it for her to pon one day sch. la.. she shldnt.
i m a bad influence. :(

but i get to SEE MANDA DARL
heart heart,
we plannin go flyer la.
but dunno what will we do in e end.
xP. whheee~ plus she end so LATE!
2 hours after i end.
i dunno what i shld do in between..
oh wells.
study my chem eq.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ME n MY GD FERN! hahas. cos i dun hv a solo pix with ZQ..
n we finally said tt we dun hv... i decided illustrate her n me.
2 dimples for her n 1 for me.. >:[ hahas. lame sht but yeah.
meaning ful. she's a nice pal to hv.

she promise to watch UP with me even when the rest didnt want to.
n wanted to treat 2 bucks of my tix if we watchin 3D UP.
n she is willing to come to sch at 7.10 tmr just to run with me for
my 2.4 retake. ;] she's so nice. n she did many other uncountable stuff :))
tee hees.i m so lucky to hv such A fren :)

paiseh that the kinderjoy is tilted sideways..

feasted kinderjoy with sissy n i got the cutest pink dino..

hahs. i mean look at the piece of ppr.

mine i s the cutest lo can???

hais.i am anticipating yet retreatin.

contradicting but WHATEVER.i UN can liaos.

kept droppin my priced possessions jus now.

althou i cant say my ez link is that precious but...

dropped my friggin fone in e sch toilet..

EEEK! eff sia.

whatever.aish me gd luck for effin 2.4

hate mdm S.eek! PUI! PIAK! whatever.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

because i got HIGH

this happens when i get high.
i tok crap.
n form sentences that rhymes.
which also rhymes with other ppl's sentences.
i can crap at everything i see n think of.
illustrate stupid pictures of what people or i say.
count the number of peacies online n tok crap.
laugh at every single thing even though i am alone.
(alone bcos crapping thru msn)
below are some illustrations that i drew ytd night.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


WALAO EH. damn high now.
can someone plEEEEase LOWER me down.

ANW. goin to brunch on DIM SIMS tmr @ novena sq 2 with my lovely kokies.
dim sums actually.hahas.
but cos australians call it dim sims...
well at least they do 9 years back...
hahas. OK.
LA - ME!!
OHHHH... isuddenly rmb it.

walao at first thot goin peach garden de lo..
walao.. my custard bao just went POOF!
even before it lands infront of me...

NEH-MIND! at least i had my lovely fav tomyam today!!


i can see it in her eyes.

i can see it in her eyes that she see joy in causing us to feel down.

she literally showed her happiness.

that my math n form tcher :(

she gives us homework n small tiny lil tests happily.

n showing us proudly her big jolly smile.
pikpiak goes my hand onto her face..
only in my dreams..


happy today.
dunno why.
shld b cos my headache has CLEARED!

must be due to the sufficient sleep i had last night.
i slept at friggin 9 plus 10.
hahas. n auto woke up at 3 & replied zhiqian's sweet msg,
rolled ard in bed for abt 45 mins
&slept agn.
n officially woke up at...
7 plus 8.hahas.

n tree is appearing offline now complainin abt her
au-cheh hand.
due to a frisbee hit.

it was frisbee agn at yj during pe ytd.
stil rmb mark chua tellin us the right way to throw e damn plastic.
&derrick lee commenting,"isnt that a game for dogs?"
oh man. kcp is lyk friggin MISSED :( nvm
i'll be BACK soon

nxt week is gonna b super bz.
n i'm gonna reward myself with harry potter nxt fri aftnn HOPEFULLY.
hahas:D jttw ~


i am gonna be hardworking! >:]

oh n moonwalker is coming out..
hahs.manda...if u wanna catch it....
i can try to find tym with ya, love <3

Friday, July 24, 2009

head ache pui

is my head weirdly shaped? <:(

waa. today sch day was super sian

n bloody hell.i was late can.WITH anirban.wth

sian sian sian.

pe pretty fun n high la.

den home.

den quicklunch-ed currypok n tako n pokka milk tea.

miserable n fatful.


den tuition.

den headache.

bet is my hairband tt caused it.

hate it.

i think my head have a weird shape.

cos i always wear hairband will tend to get headache

mayb cos its pressing some of my blardy nerves or smth

Thursday, July 23, 2009

hi. HELLO.

i am mad.just felt lyk bloggin.
but nth much to say.
weather damn hot sia.
my god. i was lyk going frm fats to oils.
ok.lame shit.
hahas. fats is solid... oil is...
ok. what the heck.

tomorrow is OUR "wootsieday"[out-si-de],
manda & minmin
hahas. san was abs THAT particular funny day.
exclamation mark.

today..was aircon-ed the whole day except for
break time n.. A lvl LC.
oh man.the weather wasnt helping at all.
its lyk BLARDY HOT!
THAT IS WHY i m in hairbands & rubberbands.
i mean my HAIR.not all over my body!
heh heh.

my wire abit twisted now.
tuition postponed to tmr aftnn.
sian ji pua.
addicted to "dont trust me" yet agn.
high high HIGH ;D

forgot wish manda darling gd luck.
but bet she will know i will deep inside ;)

wat the hell is wrong with me.

netball simply sucks man!
reeeegret! puis.heck la.

piangs.boring boring.

this weekend onwards n everyday will b
SUPER busy liao.
so sad.

i wan watch UP!
zhiqian promise u will watch me ok?
lets research on ur NEmation proj tgt
"tong gan gong ku"
resource: new pixar film ,UP!

please...if tree n e rest not watchin u oso hv to watch with me ok..
or else i will sit in one corner emo & draw heartshapes <3


what song shld i listen now...
i dont wanna fight !
oh man.CRAPS.

boring boring boring..

TESTS coming up!
i dun care must get A for all
this time round!sigh.
zhiqian even offered me to go her hse study tgt with her.
JUST to make me study.

sian ji pua...


Monday, July 20, 2009


have you been hungry,tired and happy simultaneously?

i HAD THAT feeling just now.
random of the randoms.

called san cause wanted to express happiness.
but she was wif her frens.
so didnt wanna disturb her.
so my happiness is bursting.
can someone kindly un-cap the bottle top for me?

n san will not get to hear it.HMPH!

cant wait for the NATSU MATSURI in aug!!!

aug is gonna be damn busy.

was crappy with tree n ppr money TODAY.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

just to comment on going off topic...
hahas. we dun care abt going off topic anymore
unless the topic is really impt to us.
or else we will continue going off topic.

hahas.lame shit.bullied psm ytd night on msn ytd.
hahas.was super lame.cos jus got bk home after
meeting naturally i am balanced back to the usual
RACHEL KOK! talking abt KOK.tree asked if she can call me kok kok.
thx to sherman who even came up with a "action" plan.
instead of saying kok kok. he know do "knocking on door' actions.
hahas.ok. its stupid n lame n farnie. but she haven start calling me that.

hahas.anw. me n man went off topic on the train to bishan ytd.
n we took wrong side train.its lyk we jus got on the train without knowing
which side we were supposed to take.we jus assumed it was one side.
but thank god! hahas. both sides also can take.hahas.WALAO.
what was wrong with us.cant believe we ARE so blur.hahas.
oh wells.i think we can be forgiven.even if longer ride also nevermind.
even if we accidentally boarded a train that goes round the world non-stop.
i wont mind.cos we will never stop talking.we will need EVEN more time after the trip.
i bet with all my we had confessions to make.
n i got videos for us to watch.even if we ran out of topics to talk about.
we might even end up mastering MJ's dance moves when we return to spore. THAT would happen.hahas.

off topic agn.i was supposed to b talkin abt palmistry.cos we off-topic-ed
to PALM LINES ytd.hahas. it was interesting.n i googled it.hahas.
many to talk about but just simply no mood to talk.hahas.but i have much MUCH to talk to mandy darling about :]super glad to see her ytd.time is never on our side whenever we are tgt. dere are stil so so much topics we haven covered yet.sigh... END OF THE YEAR BABE.EOY!we really have to.we gotta discuss abt our MJ fiesta too!hahas.n watch MTV has been long since i laughed as hard as ytd has been long since i talked and , not to mention, SCREECHED so loudly.had SUPER GREAT time. & terence HAD to bump into us at the bottom of THAT escalator to stop our train of thoughts.but most disturbingly.THEY ARE WATCHIN MY HARRY POTTER! puis.oh wells. oh wells. we just talked abt anything under sun tt we used to n going off topic is such a specialty of ours.missed those days. those unbelievable madness. n we headed "home" - j8 for dinner n ended up pressing hamburgers.ok mayb not us, me.hahas.stupidity will always live in us when we are tgt ;'D. hahas.n we sure WILL live tgt in a few years time yeah? hahas! JTTW (mandt's new vocab word) n glad u feel better althou i dun think i hlped much.hahas! shant upload fotos.cos i look stupid wif flat oily hair.hahas.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

walao damn long neva update le n no one seems to disappointed.boos.
anw basically jus to blog abt ytd:/
it was a really spacey and blanky day.
many spacing out opportunities and blank minds.
so sad.wasnt able to focus in class n stuff.
sigh sigh.n half the thing that happened ytd is forgotten alr.
have a really vague n dreamy impression of yesterday.
not enuff sleep sia.n only managed to rmb stupid irrelevant facts of the day.
such as the fact that my phy lecturer mentioned "gas chamber" that unwittingly had me SMILE to myself for a while.because it led me to think of replacing it with"harry potter and the gas chamber".the fact that it is not funny at all makes me more stupid.

ok.hahas.tts all.ciao;) cant wait to c manda n mayb sandra darling tmr ;D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009