Saturday, July 18, 2009

many to talk about but just simply no mood to talk.hahas.but i have much MUCH to talk to mandy darling about :]super glad to see her ytd.time is never on our side whenever we are tgt. dere are stil so so much topics we haven covered yet.sigh... END OF THE YEAR BABE.EOY!we really have to.we gotta discuss abt our MJ fiesta too!hahas.n watch MTV has been long since i laughed as hard as ytd has been long since i talked and , not to mention, SCREECHED so loudly.had SUPER GREAT time. & terence HAD to bump into us at the bottom of THAT escalator to stop our train of thoughts.but most disturbingly.THEY ARE WATCHIN MY HARRY POTTER! puis.oh wells. oh wells. we just talked abt anything under sun tt we used to n going off topic is such a specialty of ours.missed those days. those unbelievable madness. n we headed "home" - j8 for dinner n ended up pressing hamburgers.ok mayb not us, me.hahas.stupidity will always live in us when we are tgt ;'D. hahas.n we sure WILL live tgt in a few years time yeah? hahas! JTTW (mandt's new vocab word) n glad u feel better althou i dun think i hlped much.hahas! shant upload fotos.cos i look stupid wif flat oily hair.hahas.

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