Thursday, July 16, 2009

walao damn long neva update le n no one seems to disappointed.boos.
anw basically jus to blog abt ytd:/
it was a really spacey and blanky day.
many spacing out opportunities and blank minds.
so sad.wasnt able to focus in class n stuff.
sigh sigh.n half the thing that happened ytd is forgotten alr.
have a really vague n dreamy impression of yesterday.
not enuff sleep sia.n only managed to rmb stupid irrelevant facts of the day.
such as the fact that my phy lecturer mentioned "gas chamber" that unwittingly had me SMILE to myself for a while.because it led me to think of replacing it with"harry potter and the gas chamber".the fact that it is not funny at all makes me more stupid.

ok.hahas.tts all.ciao;) cant wait to c manda n mayb sandra darling tmr ;D

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