Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pictures = Memories :(

since when did i became so BLACK
candy girl loves to lift up her leg *3*

last night :( back home

on our way home..MRT!



had omu rice for dinner with nana n fish :) n we discovered a newly launched sony MP3!!! omg. KAKOII!

lovely nana and me <3

lonesome wed night <:') chionging PI and waiting for the two to come home :( had tuna pita bread for dinper(dinner + supper) with them and chionged PI till 1 plus.
hot and sunny wednesday aftn

JUST LOOK at what she is sitting comfortably on!!!hahas *grins* was decorating waterbottle before sleeping on sunday.decorating bottle with new stickers:)from DAISO!hahas.decorated for almost the whole night.had lovely LAI yong tau foo for dinner tt night:)our first home-"cooked" meal at hoime tgt :)

her sexaye ass:) KAWAII!!! on wed aftn.

well.dunno what to say about today.was pretty depressed over my test marks.i'm like the lowest few in class again.what exactly is wrong with me?i must have not put in enough effort.i feel so stupid everytime.why am i not good enough to be able to catch every single thing that comes out from the speaker's mouth?why do i fail to remember anything i've learned before?even if i listened in class MORE it just doesnt seem to help much.i don't see the point.i overheard my classmates saying,"actually sec sch to jc not much diff.but pri sch to sec sch e diff is pretty big..." well, frankly, i see more diff in sec to jc.reason being there is no more chance to slack in jc anymore.there ain't textbooks for u to catch up or study in advance.n that is why it sucks.i really wanna get some assessment bks or tys etc.but issit weird to get tys at this stage?are there topical tys for me to practice more?i just simply cant stand the fact that even though i listen in class i still cant get it!i bet its my basics.like for chem.during o levels i just studied without even understanding and getting the concepts right.seriously.and now i gotta suffer in jc with a weak foundation.this is all crap!why did i take H2 chem when i suck at chem,hate chem and dun get chem.but i guess there are not much choices besides bloody chem.sigh.i guess i have to stuck with it for another 1 and a half years:( jiayous.to think that i thot i wldnt need to touch chem after Os or even touch any studying material.i really thot i wld hv ended up in poly doing design.or at least enter jc WITH my clique or smth.i ended up being the only one still not able to adapt to my environment and still stubbornly clinging onto the gates of kcp,not letting my past go...soooo looking forward to my long weekends.sch simply sucks.i wanna get sick and be on MC!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


haven been bloggin for ages.just a rough update:)

last week was just simply amazing, marvellous, memorable and definitely worth it :) love it to the apple core and i am so sad it ended:( like so damn quickly.sigh. miss all the FUN and CRAZE!! seriously. just upload SOME fotos taken on the train to our 1 week home :) and loved the daiso shopping!:D gosh, memories are just so hard to let go :'(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

okok.here to do a quickie.cos i am gonna continue my incomplete chinese compo and its friggin 9.15 alr!!!

today is actually one of the promised dates that me, san n man agreed to meet up for the month of april.but i bet a million bucks that they didnt even know or bothered to rmb as always.hahas.even if they know its not lyk we will meet up or smth.but it was a special date all the same.today is a rather lovely day.sky was blue and sunny :)

mittin sum peeps in kcp for lunchie tml.but oh mans.got maths test the nxt day:( jiayous!

n am pretty excited about the change i am gonna experience from sat onwards :D


Saturday, April 11, 2009



miss my falls?call me.n i will fall for you to see!

looking at the videos we had in sch classrooms,our fav fitness corner really struck me lyk a thunderstorm.

and i am still stuck on the same chinese compo for the past 4 hours.goodness gracious.
i just hate this kinda ppl.i always hated last minute stuff.why cant they just inform earlier or something.cant they jus friggin plan ahead or smth?i don't understand why are all the people i am close with like that.what the hell.i didnt know it can affect me even if i am not really related to this effing thing.what the hell.ass.what a bitch my sis can get as well.all the cock she's yaking about truly makes no friggin sense at all!seriously.fuck off man.nvm rachel.calm your soul.cos she will be missing out on all the good food,all the tv we will b watching and family bonding time.at least i get to experience how it feels like to be the only child again.since i even miss the feeling yeah?hahas.oh gosh.a sudden change in atiitude.i am a chamelon.n i wanna get bangles from diva!!n acceso from mphosis.perhaps i can get that as my bdae pressie frm my rents?ya!provided i got e time to shop.but MAYBE got chance de lo.since i will b camping at yishun for 1 whole week soon.BISHAN PLEASE MISS ME!!!shower heartshapes all over bishan. <3I TRULY HATE INDECISIVENESS AND I 'VE HAD ENOUGH.


These makes it worth remembering and made my four years fulfilling.lovelies.. half way through my long wkend. :( i am looking it in the"it's half cup empty" angle.god!i am negatively charged.

Monday, April 6, 2009

i am craving for strawberry sundaes!!! OMG! i am so gonna grab one after school tmr!!! woohoo!

no trg today cos got a friendly with CJ.we lost la..but still.we played well n it was a great game:) but most imptly..NO TRG!!!was like so elated can.seriously.hahas.was the timer.was an eye-opener for me;D gonna have a netball BBQ at the Gardens this thurs after sch.hope can catch bren dar.;)

yupps.today passed faster than most mondays.although i know i am so gonna get a U grade for my freaking redox test.i alr kinda gave up while doin e paper alr.will b gettin the test back tml.i WILL CHIONG FOR the WEEK5 CA!!!jiayous!and my goal for maths stats test next week shall be an A to compensate my previous U grade!huaiting!master it b4 friday!woots!

n i fell today after GP lecture in the hall.FIRST TIME fell due to numbness of my leg.god.i cld hardly feel anything at all.so when i stood up ,my feet cant feel ANYTHING so i cldnt feel e ground or whether i am standing the right way.so my ankle kinda twisted n i fell.hahas.n i fell so nicely.hahas.althou a lil MALU.but still didnt ZAO GENG kinda fall.lol.but it was a really peculiar feeling cos my foot totally turned jello.

u know u love me,xoxo,rachelkok

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This week ended off pretty well.And this week was pretty slack.smiles:)so looking forward to next week.

2)only ONE trg n ONE pe lesson :D(normally two each)

ohwells.hahas.anyway i am so glad n grateful for having good friday.infact it's the first time in my life that i really treasure good friday.hahas.going to jc made me grew up.physically and mentally.mentally as in u noe.and i tend to get emotional more easily.

anw,today's saturday section of the straits times was very meaningful and was what that kept lingering in my mind lately.like for the past month or so.dont ask me why.but i think it was a vry touching section.

anw was a little high abt an hr ago with san n fish.I VOTE FOR FOREN!lol.

And xinmin!cheer up.you still got me who is also passing through the same phase in life now.hahas.i am gonna help you through.although i might have one or two more people who can really support me, i am willing to cheer you on as much as three person can do.jiayous.dun forget you still got your cute lil lao kok kok to stand by you;D

so long,