Wednesday, August 26, 2009

dunno why but pretty happy today:))
ate damn lot of foodie today.
literally felt lyk a pig.
but the weird part is i will feel hungry after a few hrs.
weather was lovely.
i witness a guy who killed a poor snail.
he just STEPPED on it.
accidentally of cos.
but the shell was crushed and the whole thing is sad and gross.
school seemed pretty quiet and lifeless today.
whatever.i dun care.
mrs guna is FARNIE.
she said tt she remembers our STRANGE faces.
so we hv to greet her when we see her.
if not she will chase after us.
lame shit.hahas.
bot new coloured pens! :D
its funny how i can instantly make myself hairpee
with jus such simple things:)

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