Saturday, August 1, 2009


Should i say finally? I think i shouldnt.


hahas. i finally managed to take the flyer & watch harry potter.
YEPPS! :) i have been wanting to go on the flyer ever since the start of 2008.
& thought harry potter would come out end of last year.

just to update.
ytd was a pretty great day in sch.
cos of the fact sch ended at 12.40!
joy to the world!
be jealous, mates!

had phy test 1st thing in the morn at 7.40!!
but who cares if u hv to come to sch one hour earlier if u get to go out ltr after sch.

den 1hr break where i drank my blueberry&cranberry juice that helps me shit. paiseh.
den 1 hr of chem lecture which left me in "huh?"s.
den phy mock SPA for 1h15min.


actually PLANNED to go out with mandy love.
but wth.
she could only meet me at friggin 5plus.
lyk FOR WHAT sia so late.

so i scouted for ppl to go out with me the whole of break time & chem lecture,
scrolling down my contacts..
all of them made me disappointed with their replies:(
i even asked my coussie if she's free can.

when the miracles began...


n...YEPPS! timing was so perfect summore.

cos she ends at 1.

by the time she reached city hall will be ard 1.30 plus.


althou i was released at fact 12.20 de lo.
*roll eyes.
i only left sch at
n so i chiong-ed n headed straight to NYP to get cash frm nana
cos forgot bring cas xP oopsies.
(1st tym dere n goin ALONE :))
felt so proud of myself.
walao damn hot lo.i reached the entrance at 1.05:)
i feel so pro at walking fast.
ANW.den kept walking to NOWHERE den finally SPOTTED nana love
in a neon blue polo n my GLEAMING 50 dollars note!

the weather is so obviously damn friggin hot n nana love can still ask
"why are u persiring so much?"
well, this is why i love her.
for asking the obvious n seriously oblivious to WHY.
DEN brisk-walk-ed out of NYP
n SPOTTED to yj peeps enterin to sch.
stared at each other for 1 split sec n carried on with our own business.
walao.kena blister cos walked to briskly.
stupid shoe.

den headed straight for CITY HALL.
n reached at 1.55.
i said to meet at 2.
so technically i wasnt late.
i was EARLY.
its jus tt kxm was earliER.hahas.
no la.hahas.
its my fault for not gettin cash.
but mayb it was fate.
cos i miss nana.
so the "tian" let me c her.
hahahs.LAME SHIT.

spotted that familiar face in 4LOVE class tee.
gdness gracious.
aiya.althou i was in sch u.
oso hao bu dao na li qu.
but.she didnt even bothered to bring her WALLET,
what more a BAG.
jus a stupid plastic file.

den we scouted for plasters for my plaster frm guardian to watsons to
a alr closed down mini toons.hahas.
in e end i gave up n we headed to the flyer for
our lovely lunchie:)
& flyer ride.

TREE went too:)
but i guess different timing n stuff la..
shldnt elaborate much abt her.
hahas.cos it aint impt.hahahahah.

was super high during the ride!
n i think the ANG-MOHs were kinda amused by my.., u know, ME.
but got cheena poks dere too.
but hope i brightened up their day with my laughters.

oh wait.
did i mentioned i was DAMN DAMN happy that someone WAS FREE?!?!
okay.I WAS DAMN HAPPY. i haven got her her bday pressie.
so JUST NICE sia.i treated lovely alien DAUPOK to FLYER!
damn fun.
i just talked like i used to talk.
i havent talk so much and laughed n feel so euphoric for super long alr.
i felt like a bird being released into the BIG BIG blue sky~
can u believe it?
end at 12.40 n no one to hang out with?
life is just plain sad.
but XM saved my sad life n revived it!
headed to popeyes.
n we loved it .
esp our BISCUITS!n we jus camwhored all the way from marina to the flyer.
super long neva camwhore untill so jialat alr.hahs.
jus took pix ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.
plus got xm's secondary cam.
who will miss the chance!?

"u know it is not exactly good that the camera is vry clear.... cos i t exposes all my pimples.."
who else can it be.
ME.i said tt.


n the jap/korean tourists frm the cabin in front were waving at us.
hahas.n we thot the orange guy was like a lil kid so we waved.
but ltr we saw him stood up n he was...

2 words..

so paiseh can.
n xm's laughter jus reverberated the glass panels of the cabin.
jus lyk tt.

whats the point of taking too closed up if u didnt hv to.
i mean.its the view we are interested in up there.
not THE beautiful FACES.

her legs went JELLO xD hahahas.

pretty lovely view i shld say.
but not worth 20plus.
10 is the best price!

i dun look so fat here rite :)

EMO-ing :) hahas.
drawing heart shapes in a corner if the cabin.
i can jus hear bren sayin,"bu yao lei leh"

me n xm's vegetable plantation :)


IR in the background.
ignore the one in the foreground.

i look stupid.



toilet trip b4 ride :)

marina to flyer:)

i look like a 10 years old kid GOSH!
thx to the hair parting!
anw emphasis is on the lovely background :)

$10 tix promo till eoy :)
imagine if all peacies go...
den we can have the whole cabin to ourselves n do stupid things:)
hee hee hee

damn happy to see her AGN!

sm admiring my trotters;D

after the ride, it was time to sing "wee wee, all the way home"
it was fated for us to go tgt ytd cos we both had straght buses home :)den we did stupid kiddie leggie actions with our legs.
hahas. n 56 came!
den i jumped down lyk a kiddie n boarded the bus.
blame it on my short trotters for not being able to touch the ground.
ytd was back to my happy kiddie childish days in kcp times:)lovely.
had to head back cos got a movie to catch at 6.30 at orchard.
had to go bk bishan bathe n head bk to town agn :)
its lovely to hv such an crammed-pack-eventful day:)
bus ride was superb cos it was perfectly empty:)
n it was the more ol' fashioned air con buses that i hardly take anymore :')
all thnks to technology advancements.
but anw.there was only 3 peeps ,including me,when i boarded :)
n the aftn sun soaked me in
n i auto-switched to the right mood.
my iphone shuffle songs were coincidentally suitable too:)
passed tpy etc.jus simply brought back memories.
edited all pix xm sent during the ride bk:)
reached bishan at ard 5.10?
den.aiya timing were all jus right:)

den headed out to catch harry potter(finally) with sissy at cine.
pretty empty cinema :)
n it was friggin 2.5 hrs.
i cant believed i survived.
cos my back ached.
its lyk went i got up to leave i reealised i had this great tangle in my hair
due to the squirming-in-the-cinema-seat.
its lyk when i entered the cinema it was day time,
but when i left it was pretty late n some shops were closed alr.
but on a whole.
the movie was still alright la.
i mean.
it was too mild.
except for the part when they went to retrieve the horcrux.
walao.i expected the hand to grab him de lo.
PLEASE.i read the bk.
but i stil jumped when he was grabbed.
mygod.stupid sound effects.
but the storyline abit sian n stuff.
but to think i felt "ok"thru out the movie
was most prob due to the "grey-scale-ness"of the muvie.
cos i love tt kinda setting :)
n the waves splashing onto the cliff:)
fake but.wth.nice sia.imagine the breeze n the weather.
i rate 1.5 - 2 stars nia.

book is DEFINITELY better.
dined at pastamania for dinner.
so sinful.popeyes plus baked rice!

but it was a fantastically lovely day.
tried bloggin de lo ytd when reach home.
den walao.
lazy tok.
load the friggin fotos until dc-ed.
i jus spent another 3 hrs to finish this post can.

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