Tuesday, August 4, 2009

when i was just a little girl,
i ask my mother what will i be.
will i be pretty? will i be rich?
here's what she said to me..
que sera sera..
what ever will be, will be..
the future's not our's to see..
que sera sera..
what will be, will be..

hahas.suddenly felt like singing it.
cos a lil high now.
lame shite.
happy cos i got a friggin B for math..


but the est of the class passed this time round...
soo...it's not vry great...
but still :D
hee hee hees :))

another song...
was cyber-singin wif mandy love:)

hakuna matata
what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata
aint no passin phrase
it means no worries
for the rest of ur days!
its our problem free
hakuna matata~

cant wait for FRI xP
zhiqian owes me a meal or hamburger <3

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