Sunday, August 9, 2009

yesterday was rather lovely.
rather because...
meeting up with sandy was lovely.
but idk what was stopping me from screaming.
screaming as in. ranting n basically being noisy- myself.
i've had so much in mind but i was jus unable to thrash them all out.
the examples to prove my points jus went poof!
n disapparated from ly tiny weeny brain.

althou i still managed to comment abt that weird WEIRD.
& i jus missed out 2 points/ examples that i could hv said:(

ytd pw was...more fruitful then usual..

netball this coming wed is hvin a friendly.
and at 7pm at RP.
no way i am going.
i jus told her i got smth on at 8 plus.
n its not weird to hv smth on at 8 plus anw.
its rather realistic cos cca's not supposed to be THAT late.
i dun friggin care abt wat they think anymore.
whether if i am the lousiest or the fattest of them.
i heck liao.
at least i know i've got SAN MAN NA FISH MIN to make me
HAIRPEE! friggin HAPPY no matter what we do.
because of them, there's a reason to live... *nod nod.
alrities. i can SAY, DO, WHATEVER in front of them FREELY.
i dun need to think b4 i tok.i miss THAT freedom.

smth special abt my relationship wif san love is that..
we dun really hv to tok much n we know what the other one is thinkin or the action we will do.
i didnt hv to finish my sentence...

anw.for man's info.
i told san abt THAT alr.
hahas. n dun go ard discussin abt it behind my back.
u nasty little elves n fairies!

i felt lyk a blob.infact I AM A BLOB.
was damn full on fri night.n was damn full ytd lun-ner (lunch cum dinner)
oh man...
i am gettin fat le la..
i ate at thai express on fri nite with ZQ :)
n cartel wif san on sat. <3333 n it was friggin much!!!!
den had claypot for supper xP gdness

oh mans.


i miss kcp:( i miss kcpians:( i miss my sch canteen:(

sandy love was tokin abt the possibility of her transferring to a live journal.
after much thought, i think i feel like swopping to a live journal too!
i alr thot of the grps of ppl i m gonna allow for what kinda posts!

I NEED TO SCREAM OUT LOUD..jus that i got a sore throat <:)

waitin for sandy to post the lovely fotos of me n her.... heart hearts.
cant wait for two weeks ltr..
PEACIES GATHERING!!! wootsieday.
n nxt week's excursion to a cemetery :)

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