Thursday, January 22, 2009


okay.just to update.

had a fun time k-box-ing @ marina wif hui n bren n na n san n man.
went to mfm j8 branch to visit her.
just wanna tell you how proud THAT clique five are to hv a fren wkin dere.hahas.
anw.SORRY to bren n hui for being SUPER late.heh heh.
den went somerset for dinner and to "round up"the day.hahas. AND mi n lina just didnt wave at e opposite busstops cos we scared MALU!!!dark was creeping up on us and we were still on the bus,alone,on our way home.

just formed a new company :- THE AGENT.the agent for your perfect outing (plus a thumbs-up)
yupps.of cos i wld lyk to thnk NOREN for providing me with such a remarkable inspiration.hahas.thank you,my was supposed to come over to watch UNDERWORLD.cos she just couldnt bear to watch alone and need my accompany,eh.hahas.
anw we ended up setting up a company.i am the almighty PLANNER . manda is the M-ESSENGER.and sandra is that useless lazy bumpy CEO of ours that owns a farm,feeds us hay and go........ "quek quek?"

anw tt nite had a GRAN'S b'dae!yippee doodaa.

woke up n still groggy frm my lovely slp."beebo beebo".a msg recieved.glanced at my alarm clock,sitting obediently on my bedside table.its BLARDY TWELVE ALREADY!!!it was manda btw.she ended her supposedly "busy-till-3-in-the-aftn" thursday and she came to my plc n we rented the lurvelie...UNDERWORLD evolution and VAN HELSING! woohoo! it wass geee-arrr-eeee-ayyyy-tttte GREAT.watched underworld 1&2 with my sissy n man continuously.since pt 1 wathc b4 le so i decided to do my assigned chores.sry for not attending to you,guest soh!lol.we onli managed to watch underworld1 & 2.van helsing was den saveed for tml to wathc with sandybay and fishysmell.

SO LONG,suckers!!!


Friday, January 16, 2009

the ironic post

There is just this one guy who is getting on my nerves lately.I didn't really had much of a good impression before and yet all these actions are just making things worse.But i got to say i NEVER hate him.Maybe because he doesn't concern me or i don't find him worthy enough for me to care so much.I tried to improve my impression of him since he is one of my pal's mate.Seriously.But it just isn't getting better.Well,now then i know how arrogant and nosy a male can get..It's okay if you arrogant if you are really that good.but the think is.maybe you just ain' are just another regular person on the street.if i really really gotta choose,i think i will be anti-you.rather than anti-poly.cos there are many nice people in polys.
just submitted!!!

NEW GOAL : make NEW friends!! hahas.increase my circle diameter.wait a minute.what is diameter.diameter n circumference?what's the difference.i think it shld be circumference.ya.circumference.2mths and my knowledge is fading away.evaporating like sweat on my palms.anw.. :) yupyupYUP!!

YES! that is really impt!! NEW FRIENDS HERE I COME!!!

yayees. all i can blame is my pathetic results if cant end up in same sch as my budds.but if look on e bright side.oso point forcing ppl join in wif me.and brooding over things that have no chances of

I LOVE NEW FRIENDS!!!! <<33333

come sign up to be RACHEL'S new me at for any enquiries.

okay..that was like superbly i logged really felt more of closing a chapter of my life.rather than the graduation ceremony or prom nite.good bye past.and HELLO future!!hope can get in H1 art!!!twist my fingies real tight till they go numb!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

a big THANK YOU <3

thank you all the peeps that just care so much about me..

thankyou dad&mum<3 for always being there to catch me before i fall(not literally of they cant do it literally..)and always wanting the best for me and giving me the best.really grateful.

thankyou kokieclan<3 for always cheering and supporting me in what ever i did,am doing and will be doing.really appreciate it.

thankyou san&man<3 for being there for me whenever i need someone to listen or a shoulder to lean on.i know that you will always be there for me.although i have not been the best of me, you still continued to stand by me,through rain and thunder.i really hope that i can continue to walk down this long and winding road with you.but no matter where we might end up in,i will still be in you heart,ya? guys are the BEST!

thankyou linatay<3 for just being who you are and always laughing like a kiddo at my super la-me jokes:) love you to the apple core!

thankyou THAT/THIS clique five<3 for forging unforgettable memories ,non-stop laughters and tolerating my noisy nature.(bet xm will be thinking,"glad you know that",always believing and insisting that her voice is actually at min. vol. well, that's what makes her so special isn't it?hahas.just jk nia wors.dun "au bin" when i c u nxt tym wors.)love you all the same,xm- the silent bloghopper xD

thankyou yapdada tudi<3 for being there for me no matter what happens,at any point in were there at my most hopeless and helpless showed me the true meaning of friendship and faithfulness.<3

thankyou fish<3 for befriending me for the past 10 years without fail.despite my weird behaviour and character that always comes together, you stillheld me close to your heart.Forgiving and forgetting all my wrongs.i know how difficult it is to hang out with such an abnormal creature like me.your commendable deed earned you a ROUND of applause!

thankyou twopeacezerosix<3 i don't know why but i really enjoyed that 2 amazing years we spent together.maybe that unbreakable bond or that accompany?well without each n every peacie, we wld not hv e twopeacezerosix we had back then.although it is considered our past now n time cant be turned back,i will still rely on these memories to cheer me up when i am down.i will never turn my back on any peacie de wors.also gotta thank brenda who brought us all together!twopeacezerosixforever!!!

and of cos...whoever i still owe thankyous out there.. THANK YOU!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

release of O levels results


i was in a dreamy mode for e first half of e day.bcos today's the release of olevels results.exclamationmarkmultiply100.
yupps.rents was on leave today cos of me!!!so touched.went temple to pray for results in e morn.
den had brunch dere.n i spotted david gan at e
anw.den went "parsamalam"shoppin for cny deco.den it was tym to go pick sissy frm sch.had choc went home to chnge into sch u!!!
den headed to sch.reached sch on e dot.wateva.etc.
den had happy for jireh for breakin sch record n doin 4love PROUD!!!top 4 all lovelies!!!BANZAI! happy.
the waiting was such a horrible sensation.why does my name start with "R"?!?!
hahas.anw was quite happy wif my results thou:D 3 distinctions n improved my cheena by 1 i didnt wasted my kaching! :Dbut my bloody combined humanities jus slapped me tightly in the face.sickening.its as if there's a 'combinedhumanities' hatred in my blood.well.i cant do anythin.i can go JC!!yip yip!

really hope everyone are happy with their results!>:D even if you are not...jus smile:)
okay?alll the best in your future endeavours,my kcp mates of 08!

lalalalalala~* is memorable n i cant forget e "xiao niang re"exposing of forehead.
hahas.lesbian fantasies~*

CIAO.....kokie loves her supportive kokie clan n of cos her lovely fwens

Sunday, January 11, 2009

hi again!!!

THAT clique 5

picture of the weeeeek.all about IT.

long ago..guides graduation.

so sorry manda dar

sugar dar <33s

sec1 orientation 09

my puffy eyelids suck bad time

butterfly lesbians~

WILD CHILD!! at j8 gv

friends forever?

feets at orchard hotel

a ball eating bug

bishan has BEEYOUTEEFOO sunsets too!!

that special nite at cafe cartel raffles city
HELLO everybody. soso sorry for such a much delayed post peeps. <:3
ANYWAY... hahas.main puposes for me to post: -

1) for my fellow babes to grab fotos taken frm my fone.cos my fone cant send files.
yepps manda.blame apple.i can hear my fellow babes screaming for fotos in my dreams!!!!
here are THE fotos :D

2) and to wish all ex- sec 4s good luck for their vry impt Os!!!!

3)well and of cos to write about my life...

4)and to save my blog from rotting more in its rotting state...
ok.went to SP n NP for the open house n went orchard after that.
out almost e whole day.went tp den newton circus for lunch cum dinner.yums.went bk sch for sec 1 orientation n den j8 mac for supper till 10.30.
theme for these 2 days was "lesbian fantasies".. pick pix : " i'm lovin it" @ j8 mac
ciao peeps.n among all polys,.. tp is e bez.cos it suits e noisy bunch,us.cos tp live one can complain abt our noisiness anymore......!!!! woots!