Sunday, January 11, 2009

hi again!!!

THAT clique 5

picture of the weeeeek.all about IT.

long ago..guides graduation.

so sorry manda dar

sugar dar <33s

sec1 orientation 09

my puffy eyelids suck bad time

butterfly lesbians~

WILD CHILD!! at j8 gv

friends forever?

feets at orchard hotel

a ball eating bug

bishan has BEEYOUTEEFOO sunsets too!!

that special nite at cafe cartel raffles city
HELLO everybody. soso sorry for such a much delayed post peeps. <:3
ANYWAY... hahas.main puposes for me to post: -

1) for my fellow babes to grab fotos taken frm my fone.cos my fone cant send files.
yepps manda.blame apple.i can hear my fellow babes screaming for fotos in my dreams!!!!
here are THE fotos :D

2) and to wish all ex- sec 4s good luck for their vry impt Os!!!!

3)well and of cos to write about my life...

4)and to save my blog from rotting more in its rotting state...
ok.went to SP n NP for the open house n went orchard after that.
out almost e whole day.went tp den newton circus for lunch cum dinner.yums.went bk sch for sec 1 orientation n den j8 mac for supper till 10.30.
theme for these 2 days was "lesbian fantasies".. pick pix : " i'm lovin it" @ j8 mac
ciao peeps.n among all polys,.. tp is e bez.cos it suits e noisy bunch,us.cos tp live one can complain abt our noisiness anymore......!!!! woots!

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