Thursday, January 22, 2009


okay.just to update.

had a fun time k-box-ing @ marina wif hui n bren n na n san n man.
went to mfm j8 branch to visit her.
just wanna tell you how proud THAT clique five are to hv a fren wkin dere.hahas.
anw.SORRY to bren n hui for being SUPER late.heh heh.
den went somerset for dinner and to "round up"the day.hahas. AND mi n lina just didnt wave at e opposite busstops cos we scared MALU!!!dark was creeping up on us and we were still on the bus,alone,on our way home.

just formed a new company :- THE AGENT.the agent for your perfect outing (plus a thumbs-up)
yupps.of cos i wld lyk to thnk NOREN for providing me with such a remarkable inspiration.hahas.thank you,my was supposed to come over to watch UNDERWORLD.cos she just couldnt bear to watch alone and need my accompany,eh.hahas.
anw we ended up setting up a company.i am the almighty PLANNER . manda is the M-ESSENGER.and sandra is that useless lazy bumpy CEO of ours that owns a farm,feeds us hay and go........ "quek quek?"

anw tt nite had a GRAN'S b'dae!yippee doodaa.

woke up n still groggy frm my lovely slp."beebo beebo".a msg recieved.glanced at my alarm clock,sitting obediently on my bedside table.its BLARDY TWELVE ALREADY!!!it was manda btw.she ended her supposedly "busy-till-3-in-the-aftn" thursday and she came to my plc n we rented the lurvelie...UNDERWORLD evolution and VAN HELSING! woohoo! it wass geee-arrr-eeee-ayyyy-tttte GREAT.watched underworld 1&2 with my sissy n man continuously.since pt 1 wathc b4 le so i decided to do my assigned chores.sry for not attending to you,guest soh!lol.we onli managed to watch underworld1 & 2.van helsing was den saveed for tml to wathc with sandybay and fishysmell.

SO LONG,suckers!!!


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